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Everything posted by Godxkekw

  1. Thanks a lot bro
  2. buy cloyster pm me on discord GODx#0101
  3. 969k for h.a one :))
  4. Hey i wanna buy keldeo quest service Pm me on Discord- Carl Johnson#0101 or ign Godxkekw
  5. current bid : 500K Min bid: 100k No insta Auction end - 19:27 GMT+ 5:30 18/02/2022 /----------------------------------/ form of payment acccepted:- coin capsule :400k /each nature reroll : 350k/each reroll : 700k/each /----------------------------------/ contact: + discord : Uaruto Nzumaki#0332 + ingame: Godxkekw you can bid here or in game. thank you
  6. start
  7. i would like to buy this message me on discord GuDDuFTW#0332
  8. Hey i was selling level up service and one guy gave me his beldum and i added him and said i will message him when im done so now i checked my friend list he's not there i added him at that time but he was not there and i dont remember the name so i just dont wanna scam that guy and i just wanna get to know his ign if someone can do that for me my ign is- Godxkekw this is the beldum
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