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Everything posted by Miaras

  1. Yes Rock climb tool can be so good and Dig Tool too
  2. Current name: serobrine1 Change into: Miaras Payment server: Silver
  3. uhm u are still trade ? if u selling i want to buy
  4. Closed >-<
  5. Start 400k
  6. [ATTACH=full]53754[/ATTACH] Epic Charmander, he will going to Epic Attacker Charizard....i hate my life....
  7. Legendary Pokemons acceptable?
  8. Oh mawile... gl everyone ._.
  9. Re: -Discord Link Inside- [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>Showdown Name:BlueLightGardevoir<br/> Server:Red <br/> :3</t>
  10. Re: [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>Im in red server :3<br/> Showdown Name : BlueLightGardevoir <br/> <br/> :3</t>
  11. Thanks for walkthrough ~~
  12. hi i want to 252 def 252 spatk for my goomy
  13. bump :Shocked:
  14. Re: insert_cool_name_here + "Shop" (DarkHaehnchen & RoboTeddy) <t>Lucario 500k ^^</t>
  15. welcome to Serobrine1 Shop^^ :Exclam: im selling some speacial pokemons and Customization items^^ ''i accept Rarecandies (9k), trade (poke or customization item) ms(600k)'' :Shocked: Pokes; Delphox Good Iv, Start;400k instal;800k start;300k instal;600k Welcome to my Customization part^^ :Crazy: all part;350k hat:150k Uniform:200k Phansy Flower;200k Yellow party hat;450k (can be trade with blue party hat) Straw hat 1(red);190k if you want to buy this items or pokes you can add me or pm me in game /pm yournickname -=- Serobrine1 ^^
  16. no my mamoswine not use stealth rock, but i defeat all pokes and he send 2 m.steelix + im attacked then i lost my connecting No problem on the internet, i can't battle him now and he isn't give to me gift or something.
  17. thank you guys ^^
  18. Hello, i found a bug right now i capture ss, When i went to battle with bruno, he have hariyama i use my move but i use Nasty plot, hariyama is fainted after hariyama is fainted he send to me, Gorebyss, it's nice okay after i beat gorebyss Everything went normal i beat m.stelix its okay now im waiting to my gift but he sent to me 2. m.Steelix When I attacked him i lost my connection in server and im not get a gift in boss, please help to me, thank you now This is ss;
  19. hi i want to trade my Dragonite with your Milotic + i give 150k if u accept can u pm me now?
  20. ty ^^ u2
  21. Hello if you want to buy this pokes you can add/pm me in game ^^ :thanks: B.O:450k 1 Day Left. insta 2,5m B.O:75k 1 Day Left insta 1,2m B.O:65K 1 Day Left insta 1m 1 Day 00 Hours 00 Minute 00 Second. :kiss: :thanks:
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