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Everything posted by Darksoul56

  1. Can we overbid our own bid @Lacomus
  2. Hey bro i think we might not able to come online at same time So ask for force trade (I will give 1cc and u will gib 80k +happiny) As i dont 300k rn Gl!
  3. u gonna do 1pd auction of that "anything"?
  4. I believe u mean 6,969 not 6.969 Then mine is 7,777
  5. 111 (Its looks like shiny sala at strt xD)
  6. I believe i won the serene grace happiny I would like to pay with cc and hence you will gib me happiny + 80k for 1cc
  7. Awe~Some one
  8. Btw what do we get by recycling them -- pve coin or pokedollars?
  9. Lol i didnt saw its serene grace :V (anyways i cant take my offer back now)
  10. Hey let me know when u start doing lvl service i hve around 10 poke(including 1 happiny and 1 skar)
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