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Everything posted by Darksoul56

  1. Wdym bro 180k ea or 1cc ea or something like 200k pawn and 160k pinsir
  2. 140k pawn
  3. C.o. is already 1.5m
  4. Same
  5. hey @Manbat i was just looking around and found this post the trade hasnt been confirmed by sharing a ss here is it ok?
  6. not to mention lvl 2
  7. Very nice and fun idea
  8. 500k ^^ for kangas
  9. Raise electrod and alolatails Gl with S treecko :v
  10. Hey how much for xmas doom mount (I would like you to accept my mounts if possible -- manectric and normal houndoom mount)
  11. Oh right sry my bad 500k for togepi by me then
  12. Here u hve mentioned 450 ^^
  13. I m not sure if c.o. for easter toge is 400k or 450k So just raise it
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