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Everything posted by Lordleo100

  1. Blissey 500k
  2. 2k
  3. Buy Ada drilbur(200k) and mimikyu(400k)
  4. Ok I’ll pick them up in a day or two as I’ll need to transfer
  5. Are the 20+ rotom and volca still available?
  6. Buy jolly excadrill 400k
  7. Tyvm once again very productive use of Sunday imo
  8. Blizzard, Heart Stamp, Avalanche, grass knot Blizzard, Heart Stamp, Avalanche, taunt Blizzard, Heart Stamp, Avalanche, flash Blizzard, Heart Stamp, Avalanche, copycar
  9. Blizzard, Heart Stamp, Avalanche, charm
  10. Perish song, Heart Stamp, Fake Tears, Avalanche
  11. Blizzard,covet , Fake Tears, Avalanche
  12. Fake tears, powder snow,blizzard, psychic
  13. Mean looks, psychic, fake tears, covet
  14. Heart Stamp, Fake Tears, Avalanche,perish song
  15. Fake tears,powder snow, psychic, perish song
  16. Fake tears,blizzard,powder snow,psychic
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