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Everything posted by Nxtaryan

  1. s.o- 1k min raise-1k insta-500k time-10hours
  2. s.o- 500k min raise- 50k insta-3m :- this is a silver server auction if you want poke u need to switch
  3. s.o - 500k min raise - 50k insta - N/A time - 72hours after the first bid discord - aryan_3109
  4. 70k 70k 70k 70k 70k 70k 70k 120k 60k 60k 60k 60k 60k 750k for all mons!! all are sold!!!
  5. wtb eevee (leafon) 80k
  6. talked severel guards but quest isn't starting
  7. @Dragon57 winner of the auction please lemme know once you get online - aryan_3109 -discord (132k) all bundles
  8. that is what iam saying right all means all bundles so , you have bided 131k in each & every bundle which gives a total of 655k
  9. 131k on a particular bundle or every bundle (all mean in every bundle) 131k x 5 bundles
  10. bro on which bundle have u bid or on all??
  11. @Top1caychayc.o is 50k all 5bundles by scaryninja
  12. can u transfer to silver ?? https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/243669-1k-auction-shinyforms-x5bundles/
  13. np bro https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/243669-1k-auction-shinyforms-x5bundles/
  14. did i got late for like a sec ?
  15. 700k
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