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Redvarti last won the day on May 8 2023

Redvarti had the most liked content!

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Redvarti's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 1m
  2. siny garchomppokemoen Start Point/Price: 100k End Point: 4 days after start Min. Raise: 100k Accepted Payment(s): CC = 400k
  3. hawlucha pokemoen Start Point/Price:1m End Point: 24hours after start Insta: 29m Min. Raise: 3m Accepted Payment(s): CC = 400k bid 500k
  4. Beldum pokemoen Start Point/Price: 100k End Point: 24hours after start Insta: 700k Min. Raise: 100k Accepted Payment(s): CC = 400k
  5. closed
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