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Everything posted by Sharlank

  1. Bumperino, catching the occasion Thorn is online :p
  2. I love recognizing a dialogue written by Naero :Heart: The dialogues in PRO are actually worth reading unlike the original games :p
  3. Sry for my lack of credibility. Im sure yours is good enough for your point of view. Be sure i read every post carefully in here and i know why gothitelle is banned in showdown. I think i made my point clear and i wont repeat myself over and over again, I just wanna say one more time: This is pro, not showdown. Tr3y, have you read what I, a ranked player both in PRO and smogon, have said? Accusing someone of "lacking credibility" shouldn't ever happen in a decent discussion whatsoever, if someone who doesn't know anything about pvp comes in here and says "pls ban talonflame" or "pls ban sableye prankster" I would have answered the same way I did with the "experienced" players regarding gothitelle: Now this: First: sorry for the dc during in our battle, battery died x.x Second: there are ways of countering gothitelle EVEN with some of the very pokemon you mentioned, saying one pokemon rendering so many pokemon unusable is an exaggeration, with the right moveset special attackers can make gothitelle 100% useless. Let it go for physical or unexpected hybrids, but hey that's way off from the bible that is smogon, I wouldn't dare even mentioning something so blasphemous :( Third: Gothitelle shuts down meta pokemon right now... Slowbro is meta because it shuts down (by switching in and out) heavy physical attackers (talonflame / weavile / machamp and so on), I feel like slowbro shuts down waaaay more pokemon than gothitelle does.
  4. There are max length / width, just read it out when you upload :p
  5. Well it's the same thing as larvesta - volcanora, you still see some in pvp. Also rotom is very very hard to get, but still it's no more than h.a. tier 4 pokemon
  6. Finally someone who speaks with sense. Thanks very much. Did u guys even read what sharlank wrote? Its like u ignoring every argument and just get what u want. Btw sharlank wrote many ways to counter gothitelle and i would know some more, but i wont tell ya here. And if gothitelle scares any stallteam so hard, that the stall-pvp-users overthink their team comp and finally put less stall in it, then ty ty ty so much u made shadow tag work. Ty ty ty ty. xd No more 2h pvp battles or longer. And i repeat myself but i try it one last time: PRO is not showdown. If u want shodown tiers and rules, go play pvp showdown. If u just ban every poke u hate like gothitelle, sableeye, skrelp, which costs sometimes weeks to farm with h.a., some ppl might be really upset about it. And some ppl might think u earn an edge in pvp if u put more time in hunting/trading good pokes (MMO game u know) than just make it even for 50h pvp players compared to 1000h pvp player. Dont get me wrong, skill > rest. Not to mention u ignored all the stuff written above but...i ll take your example. Just to show u im not ignoring your posts. So we see Tyranitar and Scyther in all team. Ok. Fine. So we will always see the same Pokes in PVP. I see, yeah...aha. Oh wait, isnt it blissey, ferrothorn, slowbro, skarmory in 80% of my games. Yeah im sure, thats it! I see always the same stall teams!!!!! Sry but i had to be sarcastic here.... :Smile: Are we crying about it like u guys about gothitelle in every thread? No. Im not crying to see every stall-team-poke oveer and over and over again. Did i meet a single gothitelle? No. And btw mr fatman, how is it possible u are Nr 1, if u meet in so many games a gothitelle, where u lose 9/10 games? Pls explain?^^ Thanks :Heart: just thanks x.x making me sad seeing so many "pls ban shadow tag so op omg!!1!! " that clearly prefer 1 hour of game with swtiches between spinner / regenerators / blisseys...
  7. EDIT, quick summary + mean look move not coded: 1. Burn - Critical hit - (Shane posted today that it will be fixed) 2. Mean look move doesn't work in PvP 3. High jump kick - protect/detect - Not fixed
  8. +1 :y: @fatmanclit mind to elaborate an answer to this instead of repeating the same thing over and over again without any meaningful addition?
  9. Bug catcher sharlank back at it, high jump kick - protect/detect interaction : How it's supposed to be: when high jump kick doesn't connect to the target for whatever reason (switch in ghost type / protect / detect) the user takes 1/2 of hp as damage. Edit: reference form bulbapedia "The user will receive crash damage if Hi Jump Kick is prevented by Protect or Detect." How it is: works as intended for ghost types, doesn't for protect / detect.
  10. happen to me several times, gladly it doesnt change the game result, also i want to add that 'Knock Off' also miss sometime Can you guys provide more details? Like what Pokemon that you guys used in battle, also opponent Pokemon and the chronology like after switching or what.. In my case: First time it happened, I switched garchomp into his low hp snorlax and the same turn he switched to donphan. Knowing I'd survive one ice shard from donphan I used earthquake to weaken/kill his donphan. But missed x.x => killed by second ice shard. Second time it happened wasn't game changing, used earthquake vs magnezone (no magnet rise up) and he switched into slowbro, missed earthquake on him.
  11. Guild House even better :Cool: +1 anyway
  12. Re: Blue server as Default Server. <r><QUOTE author="Rivaille"><s> </e></QUOTE> Well... I think that's underestimating the average person to be honest :P<br/> When I joined back in the days blue was already available and I simply chose RED because there were more players there overall and more experienced players for more competition.<br/> I think for the new players it's up to the preference of being in a big pond as a small fish or in a smaller pond as a slightly bigger fish xD</r>
  13. 30 seconds aren't that much for each move tbh, what do you mean exactly by "more than 30 secs"? full timer? Also thunder wave is allowed, there's a sleep clause though, max 1 pokemon with sleep status inflicted ^^
  14. Aaaand another earthquake miss, not my day really (and apparently not so rare? twice in a day...), luckily this time didn't influenced the game, but still x.x
  15. Also i'm pretty sure critical hits isn't working as intended since it ignores burn: Mechanics: Critical hit How it should be: When a move lands a critical hit, the attacker's negative stat stages will be ignored while the defender's positive stat stages will be ignored, as well as the boosts from Light Screen and Reflect. Other stat modifiers, such as burn, Eviolite, Defeatist, the Sp. Defense boost that Rock types get under Sandstorm from Generation IV onwards, or Slow Start will not be ignored. How it is: Critical hit does ignore burn as stat modifier
  16. Bug catcher sharlank npc pls... Today: 1. Earthquake missed 2. Icicle spear isn't working as intended. How it should be: "Icicle Spear hits 2-5 times per turn used. The probability of each interval is shown to the right, with the total power after each hit. Each strike of Icicle Spear is treated like a separate attack: Each strike can get a critical hit independently." How it is: If first attack crits, every other attack will crit. Tested twice, impossible to get twice 5 crits in a row. No screenshots or videos unluckily, but "kinda" easily replicable ^^
  17. So... Earthquake just missed x.x please? that was 100% game changing, win => loss because 100% hit missed x.x
  18. Here's the one person \o/ I agree that most people are smogon-slaves and don't actually consider multiple options in which one pokemon might be good ^^ But rating overall is needed for new players to get an idea of what is good and what is not, might be useful, might be harmful :)
  19. Been a bit busy these days, will update soon-ish :)
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