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Darudeameno last won the day on November 20 2020

Darudeameno had the most liked content!

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  1. Username: darudeameno Server: silver Country/Timezone: England/GMT+1
  2. Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest.
  3. Silver server: Easy W for me best legendaries in the game 1 rr for zapdos 2 Halloween rerolls for lati 4 rerolls for manaphy
  4. Billie Eilish hair ty
  5. silver server ID Screenshot: Server:
  6. Bump
  7. I totally forgot about the fresh water! They were so good and way more useful than the heal powders.
  8. Player name: darudeameno Showdown name: darudeameno Server: silver Timezone: GMT +0 Rank on ladder: 16th
  9. Wts godly impish sturdy skarmory looking for 7m starting offer 250k min bid 10m insta 48 hours after first bid the auction will end happy bidding
  10. I only found that out recently and i was buying bms solely for alomomola's and carvanha's :))))
  11. Back when excavations were released, they were incredibly popular because a lot of the pokemon you could find didn't have spawns such as ferro, bisharp and starly only being a t9 or t8. Nowadays, excavations are a baron wasteland where people only go to get 3k points to get their therian forms. What i'm trying to suggest is change to the spawns and possible to the artifact maniac rewards. A few changes i would like to see would be to add Jangmo-o to draconic, Cutiefly to wonderous and Mimikyu to haunted and maybe to add a reroll as an artifact reward. Leave a like if you agree
  12. Player name: darudeameno Showdown name: darudeameno Server: silver Timezone: GMT +0 Rank on ladder: 20
  13. Player name: Darudeameno Showdown name: Darudeameno Server: Silver Timezone: GMT +0 Rank on ladder: 16
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