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Everything posted by Brockx

  1. bump
  2. bump
  3. bump
  4. bump
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  9. 1m 80k 250k 300k 350k 200k 200k 250k 500k 150k
  10. I can give u 1 Firestone, u play on Silver server?
  11. maybe server rollback?
  12. NAME CHANGE Username: brockW187 New Username: brocken (if not available, brocki) Server to charge the money from: Silver
  13. Username: Brockw187 Server: Blue Legendary: Celebi
  14. 11.05.2016 15:03 - 15:04 https://www.pic-upload.de/view-30619772/dragoran.png.html
  15. Hello, i Accidentally release a wrong poke https://gyazo.com/276ac5e0e0dd0f49154fe4820d273ae8 i hope u can help me greets, brock
  16. latias appers and i killed it :) it works
  17. https://gyazo.com/eb93b35b7a98058fa3052c0642ea3224 i checked again all places, nothing :Frown:
  18. all latios spots checked, nothing
  19. this is so useless....
  20. i cant, because i need to fight against Latios Dex: https://gyazo.com/4e7abbc5834f8c29dad0effaa8484969 Tv: https://gyazo.com/1d6a1d3faf12112101353ea10c683d84
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