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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. Rigth, I guess is funnier to let people hunt the wrong syncr just to find out they wasted time.
  2. But Naive is usable on Lucario. If they wanted only certain kind of natures, they should announce them, because people may hunt other good set and see them rejected.
  3. Axew family Mareep family Vulpix family Mudkip family Torchic family Treecko family Dedenne Riolu family Snorunt family. Dratini family. Eeevee family. Litwick family. Ralts family.
  4. offline servers are. people waiting have.
  5. I don't know if keep laughing from your childish rage or to inform you that bosses doesn't give exp. I think I will keep laugh.
  6. It's kinda boring to get always a wingull, people will ends up with like pages and pages of shiny wingull. Suggest to make it a random tier 1 gen 3 and 4 (maybe 5 and 6 too if you want) shiny instead of always wingull.
  7. Wow, life really isn't meant to be fair.
  8. Give us Xmas themed gen 1 starters. After Hallo, Clone, let's continue with their Xmas Form.
  9. I would suggest to add more grass in this map (route 25) since it's a little painful to hunt in this small patch. Adding grass in those Red areas would really make it more healty.
  10. Sold insta. --------------------------- now, before closing this, let's say a thing. There is a guy crying and reporting because, according to him, the auction is fake and I said ending in a different time. So, this is the first post with auction rules: Auction start after first accepted offer. This is the first Offer I accepted: As you can see, it says "12:07". This is where I asked the guy to tell me his timezone to help him understand when it actually was about to end in his timezone: I got ignored, then I continued my auction like always. Then you can't come at me yelling that you report becuase for you the time is ended, rules an post are pretty clear. I even tried to help you with gmt.
  11. [uSER=380240]@nhoxrong48[/uSER] sorry I totally skipped your post. you have the bo. 310k
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