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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. maybe give it a try for 1 season. April=no conk.
  2. Will partecipate but since I never bring syncr I will probably ends up 50th. lol
  3. nobody can, they are fixing it. you can keep hunting.
  4. I suggest you to get a trash honedge and level it up to use it for this kind of false swipe.
  5. Bump. Tomorrow another quest, really hope to see at least the H.A. part changed.
  6. ok, then the first is solved. Hope for the others.
  7. So, Birth Island is here now, but I think there are a few thing that may be improved. 1- the easiest. Add a small pc (not pokecenter, a pc) inside the island. I asked people who went there, they all told me there isn't one. Not really nice having to bring 6 random syncr and hope for them to be useful. 2- About the fixed H.A. thing. I get staff want it be more rewarding if you don't get a legendary, but H.A. isn't good on all the poke. Example, nobody would want a H.A. Tyranitar. Set Fixed ability is nice, but need to be different for each poke, according to what it needs. 3- There are too many useless Pokemon. Birth Island is called a reward... but who thinks it's "rewarding" going there, after wasting hours and resources to get to the 1% (next to be 0,5%) and getting.. a Rotom? A Lucario? Really, I think nobody.. not a reward, at all. I strongly suggest to leave ONLY pseudo-legendary in the not-legend poll. 4- Speaking of pseudo legendary.. wants go bring more hype to the island? Want to make it even more wanted? Maybe this is the time to add the very first gen7 pokemon to PRO? :)
  8. You find more nugget IF you are very lucky, but counting you don't find find anymore mushroms (both kind) and pearls, you still gain less. And the Nugget too are rarer than before. The nerf is huge.
  9. the money nerf on dig spot is real and is huge. Just need to do them and/or see feedback to realize it. And after the word will be spread enough about how dig spot will not be worth the time anymore, people will probably just stop doing them. Dig used to do a good money income, mostly for new players to get into the market with some money. Why remove it? Now you have to be super luck to get a real money income, but that luck can happen 1 out of 10 dig run. Remove Reaper cloth (an item that used to has some market, now worth 5k..) from dig and re add Pearl or Big mushrooms, same rate as Cloth, just a replacement. This may solve both problem. And make dig spot not feel nerfed. Actually, mushrooms can grow in the ground, why not? And I'm pretty sure pearls can be found in ground/rocks too.. in real life I mean. But it's all about if we want people to be poor or we want people to be able to get some money to put in the market and make economy works. Not my decision.
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