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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. Bump. Want to try suggest this again, I hope it will not be ignored this time. I think it's huge quality of life improvement.
  2. Guild leader here. Would suggest guild gyms and guild arenas (different shapes choosable) in the areas. Usefull for events. 3/4 different kind of island, choosen by the guild. A beach island (hawaii style lol), a mountain island, a volcano, a jiungle. Once you choose one, that is it. Guild logo showed in every building. Throne Room for the guild leader :D Some random building with random npc like a village. Guild Leader miniboss. We agree on the prices.
  3. Su. La gilda verrà riaperta dopo il merge, quindi se siete del server BLU siete benvenuti.
  4. I think guardians bosses need a rework. Team are ok, but they give money like 1 time out of 5/6. And I'm not the only one saying this. Even give less money but more often would be ok.
  5. I want to sell this shiny to both server, because of the incoming merge. So, both Red and Blue players can offer. Just a warning: if you come to blue server, the trade will be made after the merge. DO NOT OFFER if you don't really want to buy it. I don't want any "I changed my mind" "I don't have the money anymore" "I find a better one" after the merge. Thanks. . Insta buy: 5m Auction will last 24 h after the BO.
  6. I did all those Hoenn places and I'm still at 7 eggs.
  7. c'mon, xmas pokemon were announced, at least tell us how many Togepi forms we have to hunt, to not hunt for nothing after we found x forms...
  8. I hope to know how many togepi forms, don't want to lose dex data.
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