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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. but what happened to the "legendary are supposed to be leggendary" thing? I know many poke need different build.. but well, it's your choice on the build you choose. Yes that's what I meant. At least it wouldn't be a super hyper lucky thing.
  2. Instead of small chances to get ONE legend, it would be better to spawm them like this. - 3 dogs (you catch only one of course); - 3 lake guardians (same as before, not gonna copy paste every time lol); - mew, celebi, jirachi (^); - Latios, latias (^); - Heatran, Phione, whatever in future. It would be already better and less frustating. The idea is good, but it has strongly random and lucky factor. Also, I kinda dislike the fact that people can catch more than 1 legendary. Having a box full of Mew is meh. Add that you can't catch a legendary you have in box. You release and then it may spawn. And some poke that can spawn feel like you wasted 100 coins. Zoroark, goodra..
  3. My guess is that after the first big update coming lately, they added them perfect nature and evs on bosses pokemon. I noticed many changes, doing them every 12 days since years. Now they outspeed more poke, they hit stronger and they tank better.
  4. I will buy: Gengar, Kirlia, Thyplo, Tyranitar. Met me in Vermilion.
  5. A guild bank system where people can deposit money, pokemon and items. Everybody can deposit, but only Leader/Officier can allow to withdraw.
  6. deleted those 2. I still have hope for the others.
  7. Both system aren't really user friendly. I see they did fix Canalave in Sinnoh so it means they can do it in other region too. About making the remember last choice system don't know, but worth asking.
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