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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. Re: Boss guide [Lite] [update 2016-11-17] <t>Off. Jenny: Arcanine - Ariados? - Manectric - Luxary - Woobat - Clawitzer.</t>
  2. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 09/02/2017] <t>Off. Jenny: Arcanine - Ariados? - Manectric - Luxary - Woobat - Clawitzer.<br/> <br/> Got fire stone.</t>
  3. Re: Pinkan Island Quest Guide(How to got to Pinkan Island) <t>Giovanni level 120: Persian, Tyranitar, Excadrill, Rhyperior, Nidoking, Mega Kangaskhan.</t>
  4. Same but i don't escape rope. I'm there, in the middle of Cassidy and James, with the rhyhorn, and can't do anything and can't go anywhere. edit: after some try it worked.
  5. Re: Pinkan Island Quest Guide(How to got to Pinkan Island) <t>Cassidy and Patch level 120 team in route 7: raticate, hitmontop, mightyena, tentacruel, hypno, charizard.<br/> <br/> Cassidy and Birch level 120 team in pinkan island cliff: nidoking, nidoqueen, shuckle, aggron, cloyster, primeape.</t>
  6. they will do that eventually, dear friend.
  7. I'm really curious about what Cassidy and Dutch are doing there.
  8. We use them and removing them will really disappoint lot of people.
  9. Re: Boss guide [Lite] [update 2016-11-17] <t>3rd win reward:<br/> <br/> Kanto<br/> Brock: Omanyte - Kabuto - Aerodactyl - Anorith - Lileep<br/> Chuck: Chimchar - Riolu - Shroomish - Timburr<br/> Erika: Turtwig - Larvesta - Ferroseed - Seedot<br/> Koichi: Hitmonlee - Hitmonchan - Hitmontop - Riolu - Pancham<br/> Oak: Squirtle - Charmander - Bulbasaur<br/> Officer Wargreymon: Shinx - Swablu - Aron - Treeko<br/> The Pumpkin King: Shuckle - Lotad - Pawniard<br/> <br/> Johto<br/> Arnie: Froakie - Larvitar - Dratini<br/> Bruno: Meditite - Sawk - Throh - Onix<br/> Elm: Cyndaquil - Chikorita - Totodile - Togepi<br/> Greninjack: <br/> Lance: Swablu - Dratini - Axew - Skrelp<br/> Lorelei: Sneasel - Shellder - Lapras - Snorunt <br/> Sage: Eevee<br/> <br/> <br/> Hoenn<br/> Gingery Jones: Tyrunt - Amaura - Timburr - Vullaby<br/> Old Lady Janice:<br/> Morty: Rotom - Duskull - Sableye - Pumpkaboo<br/> Ravine: Honedge - Mawile - Murkrow - Goomy<br/> Lt. Surge: Pikachu - Electrike - Elekid - Magnemite<br/> Steven: <br/> Toothless: Staryu - Miltank - Beldum - Gible<br/> <br/> Other place<br/> Bugsy (Amazon Forest): Snivy - Pinsir - Schyther - Nincada - Heracross <br/> Sgath and Keres (Love Island): Marill - Houndour - Duskull - Ralts</t>
  10. I honestly don't get it. Why some people are complaining? Because this will help players to save more money, which means they have more money to spend in trade, which means more money around the market in an economy almost pg up because of the inflation, situation that ask more more money in the pocket of the players to be solved... so somebody explain to me all the "it will ruins the economy" I read in the first pages.
  11. Everyone can make a mistake imho. If you show immediately that you know you were wrong and offer solution that save the opponent from take a disadvantage from that, I don't see why reporting or getting mad. :y: In that screen I just see a kid raging..
  12. They will never merge server because it would mean that lot of people will have to start over the game. And other than that, what would it solve? Just 800 person instead of 400 in the game.. but still 800 veteran and not 400 veteran and 400 new players.
  13. No valentine day event? I'm happy with it.
  14. all this "not happy with the price not sell" works when auction are blind (I don't know the english name of that), I mean when offer are secret and there is no min. offer. In those kind of auction you set a safe price to be sure don't get too low money. But not in open auction.
  15. I think no, it's not reportable.. but I hate when this happen. If you don't want to sell it for less then xK, don't accept any offer lower than xK. Don't say "you're the BO" then "no I don't like the price I don't sell it". :confused: At least that's what I do. However I don't think that there is any "general price" for poke. It depends on the Poke. Items are different. :y:
  16. Re: Boss guide [Lite] [update 2016-11-17] <t>3rd win reward:<br/> <br/> Kanto<br/> Brock: Omanyte - Kabuto - Aerodactyl - Anorith - Lileep<br/> Chuck: Chimchar - Riolu - Shroomish - Timburr<br/> Erika: Turtwig - Larvesta - Ferroseed - Seedot<br/> Koichi: Hitmonlee - Hitmonchan - Hitmontop - Riolu - Pancham<br/> Oak: Squirtle - Charmander - Bulbasaur<br/> Officer Wargreymon: Shinx - Swablu - Aron - Treeko<br/> The Pumpkin King: Shuckle - Lotad - Pawniard<br/> <br/> Johto<br/> Arnie: Froakie - Larvitar - Dratini<br/> Bruno: Meditite - Sawk - Throh - Onix<br/> Elm: Cyndaquil - Chikorita - Totodile - Togepi<br/> Greninjack: <br/> Lance: Swablu - Dratini - Axew - Skrelp<br/> Lorelei: Sneasel - Shellder - Lapras - Snorunt <br/> Sage: Eevee<br/> <br/> <br/> Hoenn<br/> Gingery Jones:<br/> Old Lady Janice:<br/> Morty: Rotom - Duskull - Sableye - Pumpkaboo<br/> Ravine: Honedge - Mawile - Murkrow - Goomy<br/> Lt. Surge: Pikachu - Electrike - Elekid - Magnemite<br/> Steven: <br/> Toothless: Staryu - Miltank - Beldum - Gible<br/> <br/> Other place<br/> Bugsy (Amazon Forest): Snivy - Pinsir - Schyther - Nincada - Heracross <br/> Sgath and Keres (Love Island): Marill - Houndour - Duskull - Ralts</t>
  17. Sadly this is how in-game community ends up. And that's also one of the first reason new player doesn't stay, they ask for help or if a poke is decent and as answer they get insult, laugh, troll answer 90% of the time, "go away noob", or "google it". :Bored: There still are a bunch of good person, but you have to be lucky. Better thing you can do is chat with single players.
  18. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 09/02/2017] <r>Can you please avoid quoting all the post? <E>:confused:</E><br/> <br/> Edit: oh well now it's a new page, good.</r>
  19. I don't know, half suggestion, half report of wrong info in the game, I was confused about where to put this.
  20. Mt Summer was the area of summer event, Flake wood was Christmas event. Those area will likely not return, or if they do, it's just for some weeks in summer or december, don't worth the confusion of keeping them in the dex all the time. I saw at least 502590280620 times people asking "where is valencia island?" because they wanted an eevee. :Ambivalent:
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