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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. Every starter but Tepig will be in the game sooner or later (+ the Tepig gate in Summer event), tell the truth, the staff hate me. :Cry: But Snivy will be with Bugsy? I have to activate my MS? :Frown:
  2. Re: Boss guide [Lite] [update 2016-11-17] <t>guys let's post the reward we can pick from bosses whit the new system, ok?<br/> so we can choose if try or not..<br/> <br/> Copy and paste<br/> <br/> Kanto<br/> Brock: <br/> Chuck: Chimchar - Riolu - ???<br/> Erika: Turtwig - Larvesta - ???<br/> Koichi: <br/> Oak: Squirtle - Charmander - Bulbasaur<br/> Officer Wargreymon: Treecko - ???<br/> The Pumpkin King:<br/> <br/> Johto<br/> Arnie: Froakie - ???<br/> Bruno:<br/> Elm:<br/> Lorelei:<br/> Sage:<br/> <br/> <br/> Hoenn<br/> Gingery Jones:<br/> Old Lady Janice:<br/> Morty: Rotom - ???<br/> Ravine: <br/> Lt. Surge:<br/> Toothless:<br/> <br/> Other place<br/> Bugsy (Amazon Forest):<br/> Sgath and Keres (Love Island):</t>
  3. I heard that exca will be the next revamp after bosses, so I would to share some suggestion that will improve the sites. It would be nice if pro fanbase can help improving this feature, so add your ideas. Even little things, everything that can help. 1- Now, only Glacial Sites g. Jones tell us the number of excavation we did. It would be great if, like bosses, we have the choice between checking our progress (like cd for bosses) or tutor moves. 2- Add a warning when you try to leave a Sites. Like "Are you sure you want to leave? Yes/No". 3- Don't let us enter the sites if the 24 days of cd isn't passed. I don't know it this is already implemented, but I said it. 4- Add some other items to be find. 5- Readd the poke that were removed. :Frown: Any others? Hope we can help with ideas. :y:
  4. Re: WTS Xmas Pikachu & Sandslash and Clone Blastoise <t>Bump, 24 min left for Pikachu.</t>
  5. Re: WTS Xmas Pikachu & Sandslash and Clone Blastoise <t>Let's say I'm rating the Klang 1m because it can at least give me an evo data. Cinccino is already evolved so I can rate it 400k.</t>
  6. Re: WTS Xmas Pikachu & Sandslash and Clone Blastoise <t>And you are BO again-</t>
  7. Re: WTS Xmas Pikachu & Sandslash and Clone Blastoise <r><QUOTE author="Prophet"><s> </e></QUOTE> You are BO.</r>
  8. It's against the game nature imho.
  9. Re: WTS Xmas Pikachu & Sandslash and Clone Blastoise <r><QUOTE author="SiTzei"><s> </e></QUOTE> not enough to outoffer klang.</r>
  10. There should be good if adding only in Trade chat. If not moveset, at least ev. What would really improve the trade chat is adding the region in the poke we tag in chat. Now we can see the region only in ours poke.
  11. Re: WTS Xmas Pikachu & Sandslash and Clone Blastoise <t>Bump.</t>
  12. Looking for offer, auction start after first offer I like and end after 48 hrs. MS=800k sold Wishlist: Trashest Turtwig, Chimchar, Combee F (or vespiquen, better), Drifloon, Stunky, Bonsly. 10k each discount.
  13. Ok...Now relax, we all love you, we all are your friend, breath and relax..
  14. Wow. One of the few easy money-maker items for new players and that help a lot in game economy is now untradable. This is one of the worst decision ever, honestly, for new player make money will be a lot harder and this will lead to another drop in users, just wait for it. And nobody ever bought rare candy from that npc for 20k.. nobody. We can make 100+ rc only from poke stops and digging. Economy with inflation problem = let's reduce the way to gain money.
  15. Re: WTS Snorlax - Impish- Thick Fat <r>You're the BO. <E>:y:</E></r>
  16. However you are all off topic because the topic wasn't about bot... as usual the bot drama starts, fatman we can understand and we agree bot are a problem but calm down a bit.
  17. They can make new rules. They can set the market. I'm sure they can figure out something. Like you said, new players don't stick around. One of the most important reason is that they can't afford anything if they don't have a "base" (like a friend already in the game who give them poke or money) or if they don't play like hell the first weeks to grind crazy money. People also said "but hue hue it's normal a car 100 years ago was 100 $ now is 10000 $"... yes, but people's salary are not the same of 100 years ago. A possible solution should be increase the pokedollars we get from battle, but if with that people rise the price of items and poke.. goodnight. It doesn't work. When sometimes people (group of people) try to low the price asking "wtb ms 400/500k" (the perfect price for MS imho), players we never saw before pop up asking "wtb ms 1m 1,1m". Clearly are the same people trying to keep the price high. Or they start laughing and spamming in trade chat to make them look ridiculous. That happened yesterday the last time.. Price of MS went to 300k to 1m in a little more then 1 months back in october. 200%+ inflation in 40 days and they call it "normal".. And I'm even not a MS user... I'm just concerned. This economy situation is killing the game, and people act like it's impossible or like it never happened before... But hey, if we just have to "hue hue stop complaining hue hue don't like it go away instead of thanking hue hue" then let's just sit and watch.. :Frown: It will be sad say "I told you so"...
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