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Everything posted by Tymerod

  1. Wouldnt mind some official rules. I think it would make it more fair and comparable for everyone. Some rules i would like to see: - in what time period of the auction are u allowed to set an insta and how it has to be set (a new reply has its own time code) - does an auction with a fixed start price begin with the offer or once the seller saw the offer? - end time should always be a specific time consisting of date, time, timezone like 24.08.2016, 11:00, UTC+2 and not x hours to go in an edited post - are u allowed to sell a pokemon of a running forum auction ingame with different rules? - what is a legitimate reason for reporting a seller or a buyer (if a seller can cancel the auction, why shouldnt it be allowed for the buyer before the auction has ended) - a trade should always be proven with a screenshot, if its offered on the forum edit: Imo ingame trades arent an issue because u have the pm as proof
  2. Re: timid comppound eyes Galvantula <t>new b.o by johnarious end is in 15 hours and 22 mins</t>
  3. Re: timid comppound eyes Galvantula <t>bump!</t>
  4. Re: timid comppound eyes Galvantula <t>u have b.o. than.<br/> end: 25.08.2016, 1:50 UTC+2<br/> added an insta</t>
  5. WTS his Galvantula - duration is 48 hours after started the auction (will be extended by 6 hours if there is a bid in the last hour) - fake offers will be reported c.o.: 400k by johnarious end: 25.08.2016, 1:50 UTC+2 insta: 500k
  6. experienced this 4 times today while always winning the match need to wait now too :-(
  7. Whoaaaa Easy Tiger :Shocked: this is just a suggestion and its on suggestion forum do you aware of that? Please help yourself by reading the whole post before you throw some rage comment. Yes leaving a PVP match was never issue before, but now it is a BIG deal. Unstable connection is out of topic, to get best online gaming experience 1st thing you should have is stable connection otherwise its on your own risk. How can queue categorize as penalty, mind to elaborate it? and server not always full the whole day which mean no queue. Once again its not a BUG (please read), and no one screaming here except yourself :Cry: With your argument about stable connection u sound like a league of legends player. So u would deny other people the experience of (an aspect of) the game because they live in an area with bad internet? Not everyone plays ranked for reaching top 25 (or in lol challenger). Some are playing it for fun (mostly players in <200 rating). (Yes ragequitting isnt allowed in lol but there is a surrender option) As far as i know shane stated that dc's arent coded as wins therefore u dont get a coin and that it is intended and wont be changed. This is obviously a bug/flaw because a dc means a surrender which should be a win. Its even counted as a win in the pvp menu. Just because a bug/flaw isnt unintended doesnt mean its not a bug/flaw. Else shane wouldnt think about ai's to solve the problem and the topic wouldnt exist. Im well aware that this is a suggestion forum. And your suggestion itself is fine. The survey bothers me. Other people suggested other solutions but they are not included even if they could be better. And your "no" means at worst maintaining the current system. "But any of these solutions is better than make it possible for ppl to deny the opponent a earned coin". So your survey is only abusing the fact that people are salty for not receiving their rightfully earned coins (i miss some too). And we could open a survey with every other solution and Im sure we will almost always get a Yes because the current system is not good. your survey generates only 1 information. People dislike a flawed system if its not in their favor but are fine as long as some1 else has the disadvantage. Surprise! But why did u ask a different question? If the staff wants to change something they need the most prefered solutions. Out of those they can pick the one best to implement.
  8. Is this question serious? U should listen to yourselves!!! Leaving a pvp battle was never an issue!!! People did it all the time to end bad matches faster (i did this regularly last seasons because playing against a staller when he is 2-3 pokemons ahead is imo just a waste of time), when they saw an opponent they knew they would lose and so on. Additionally we have people with unstable connections. But all of this was never an issue and there is already a penalty for dc's it's called login queue!!! Now they add a feature which isnt working like intended (=bugged) and the only thing that comes to your minds is screaming for penatlties and banns. Instead u could ask for a fix or a surrender button (could be the run button) or let the staff find another solution. but i guess most people only see their own advantage and dont care about anything else
  9. Just want to add something. there is a general rule about abusing bugs (do not abuse and report them asap). So if u experince a bug which is unknown its not a problem. But if u experience a bug and sill use the move/ability/item then u can get banned without breaking a pvp rule (u said u didnt, so it should be fine). As an example belch tells u in der desciption "The user must eat a Berry to use this move.". if u can use it without eating a berry u know its bugged. If u still use it and dont report it u can get banned even if it wouldnt be part of pvp rules. There is no "i didnt knew this move is bugged and therfore banned in pvp" excuse if u break a general rule!!!
  10. i already suggested it. staff knows about it. we'll see what happens. others suggested a banned move list once u are in the battle. Downside would be its not covering banned pokemons and/or abilities. Nevertheless u need to report players in both cases if they break the rules. but both would solve the "i didnt know" excuse (some people use regularly)
  11. Re: Eevee 31Spe Hp Grass, Ada Beldum, & Jolly Bisharp <t>700k bisharp</t>
  12. Re: Khanum's Dungeon [NEW ADDITIONS! 8/18/16!] <t>600k Bisharp</t>
  13. just start with one combo and if u struggle try the other one. Imo giga drain+ leech seed should be enough healing in combination with black sludge. But thats just a thing u learn by doing. U may realise that u need less def ev's because items are missing right now so u can shift some ev's to spdef to handle special attacks better. It all depends on what u want to cover/what is worth to cover
  14. Re: Dohko's Shack - jolly defiant Pawniard <t>is there an insta on<br/> 3. Pawniard(Jolly + Defiant)<br/> else i will start with 200k</t>
  15. i wouldnt invest into speed on bulba, because most azumarills have hp+atk ev spread and a prio move anyways. So if u cant survive a +6 aqua jet you are doomed. additionally venusaur is resisting all stabs of azumarill too.
  16. Re: timid compound eyes Galvantula <r>sold for 200k to tranquocbao because other bids were too late<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://fs5.directupload.net/images/160816/ctt49y92.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  17. Re: timid compound eyes Galvantula <t>bump!<br/> 8,5 hours to go</t>
  18. Re: timid compound eyes Galvantula <r><QUOTE author="tranquocbao"><s> </e></QUOTE> u have b.o.<br/> end: 15.08.2016, 19:00 UTC+2</r>
  19. Rules: - i ll start the auction if i get a good offer - auction time is 24 hours (+12 hours if there is a bid in the 6 last hours because of time zones) - i may add an insta price once the auction has started start: 200k c.o.: 200k by tranquocbao end: 15.08.2016, 19:00 UTC+2 insta:
  20. I already reported it in the bug resolution center but i want to add here there is another thing this bug can trigger. I switch a pokemon in and let it die to stealth rock to avoid a moxie buff. I got the double animation. Then i wanted to revenge kill his gyrados with a prio move but instead of using the move (i selected it) my pokemon got switched out and switched in again :confused: . some bugs wont make any sense if u have no insight into code and other stuff.
  21. impish arcanine and bold clefable are helping against sableye (and once its coded trace gardevoir)
  22. that tactic is already used by players (taunt gyarados)
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