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Everything posted by Tymerod

  1. Re: Tymerod's shop feat. great ada+sand rush Excadrill <t>!update!</t>
  2. How? noone can know that u have baton pass on more than 1 pokemon as long as u dont use it on more than one pokemon. PS: fml i missclicked the thanks
  3. Hi, i want to give u some feedback. I use magnezone in like 95% of my games (mostly modest because mine (ot) is one of the best on the red server). EV-Spread: I think it's not that benificial to invest 252 speed on a modest magnezone. Most offensive pokemon are speed invested anyways so u wont outspeed them. It's enough to invest till u reach 177 speed to outspeed uninvested base 70 pokemons like skarmory, politoad, poliwrath. it is also enough to outspeed uninvested TTar or uninvested scizor. And since magic guard is working the only relevent uninvested base 75 speed pokemon (florges: 186 Speed) is gone too. The benefit of the extra hp investment is u avoid the OHKO from ada+lum berry scizor's superpower at +0 ( 79.2 - 93.4%) or adamant TTar's superpower (80.4 - 95.3%), which u wouldnt with 252 speed iv's. A higher speed mark is 199 allowing u to outspeed Milotic which threatens u with a 2HKO if u get burned by scald but there is a chance u get killed by the mentioned superpower now. Another spread is 252 SpAtk/252 HP/4 Speed. The goal of this spread is to survive ada Talonflames flare blitz (80.8 - 95.9%). Additionally modest life orb Omastar has only a 50% chance to OHKO u with surf in rain. Move Set: I really miss Discharge for modest magnezone. With Discharge u still have a 93,8% chance to OHKO 252HP/252Def/4SpDef Slowbro after Stealth rock. U cant OHKO sturdy skarmory anyways and most pokemons not OHKO'd by discharge survive a thunderbolt too (e.g. Milotic, Empoleon) while the 30% para chance is really helpful to compansate for the low speed or in combination with serene grace togekiss. Also u didnt mention metal sound which prevents ending up as setup bait for gothitelle. It also helps u to challenge snorlax (without fire punch or Earthquake) and even Blissey (guaranteed 2HKO with thunderbolt and 98.8% with discharge at -4 while Blissey has only a 4HKO with Seismic Toss and is slower) Magnet rise is imo an underrated move on magnezone mostly because air ballon is missing. But without magnet rise the enemy can switch in a garchomp, excadrill or impish gliscor for a free swords dance boost. With magnet rise u can threaten them with a 2HKO. Additionally slow ground types like hippowdon (without roar) or donphan cant force u out anymore if the enemy used them as lightning rod. And my Forretress will OHKO your magnezone if u dont use magnet rise. A status move is also relevant against klefki if u dont care about 3 layer of spikes to get turns off of reflect/light screen (u need 6-7 turns with the switch in for a kill if light screen is on the field and the duration is 8 turns) Personnally i dislike volt switch on modest variants because it's not working as intended, get's blocked by the common ground switch ins, is only superior against blissey and finally u are just so god damn slow. Imo a timid magnezone isnt that viable without choice scarf and u are forced to use life orb to compensate for the power drop. u only outspeed invested neutral natured base 70 pokemon. I dont think there are more than adamant cloyster (cant OHKO u even at +2 with icicle spear and u are slower after a boost too) and adamant bisharp, which u only threaten if at +0.
  4. I think it is covered, SLP caused by effect spore is not included in the sleep clause iirc that's not what i ment. An automated system wont be able to differentiate between sleep induced by effect spore and sleep induced by a move (except rest) because there is no difference in how they work. So u need additional algorithms/variabls to cover that. An easier/faster solution is possible if u change the sleep clause a little bit.
  5. It is allowed if it wasn't done by spore afaik The problem is the other way around the current rule allows u to put another pokemon to sleep with a move if the current sleep status is induced by the ability effect spore. That case is not that easy to cover. But i doubt that most players would be bothered by that
  6. Coding the clause around effect spore is actually the only problem. Rest is a special type of sleep since it's defined with two sleep turns so there is a chance u get the information if it's rest induced. NC would be fine if it heals when switching out and we know it's working so it's ether only a visual bug or just some spaghetti code. Tbh it would be fine for me if u cant put a poke to sleep with a move if there is already a pokemon sleeping induced by a move or effect spore. Effect spore as an ability should still work. Would be 100 times better than the current state.
  7. most likely the battle got bugged and you were kicked because you were inactive
  8. that's the reason they dont run away
  9. This game have player from all around the world, so "playing with friend in middle of the night" does not work tho, when you are in midnight ,other people in the other side of Earth might be day time and playing pvp. So ,it also possible that you guys are from different timezone, that's why didnt meet in pvp, but this is just my guessing. The chances are actually pretty high because it doesnt matter how many accounts are logged in or even how many accounts are doing pvp at the time. In a system without any regulations the number of accounts searching for a battle is always 0 or 1 because 2 are enough to start a battle. So sending 3 accounts into the queue at almost the same time and in the right order gives you almost 100% chance (there is always the chance that some1 else queues up at the same time but the odds are really low). Any regulation will only increase the effort to pull it off and will also increase queue times. possible regulations are "u cant battle against the same account twice a row" or "you can meet an account only once every 3+ games). Without regulations boosting will always be a thing and easy to pull off.
  10. Re: Tymerod's shop feat. ada+sand rush Excadrill and ada+super luck Absol <t>!update!<br/> sold some pokemons ingame<br/> added medicham</t>
  11. do u use pick axe or membership?
  12. and the amount of alts is increasing the longer the season goes. and there are only two reason why alts are used (boosting and protecting the current rating). almost noone is using them to test stuff.
  13. Thx for the information
  14. Re: Defeat Bosses with the less number of Poke <t>nice work. have you tried DD+intimidate+leftover Gyarados against Bruno? ;-)</t>
  15. ... Dugtrio is not relevant here as arena trap isn't coded properly He is most likely refering to an argument i once started, consisting of: trapping, defined as "your pokemon cant switch out" exists in more ways than just shadow tag gothitelle (dugtrio, magnezone, probopass, wobbbuffet) and we arent talking about them because they are either underpowered or balanced (by their typing, move pool, stats). Therefore we should think about nerfing st goth before banning it. So it actually is super funny that a player, who is against a bann, turns against this argument, which is designed against a bann. It just shows how the discussion is flodded with personal interests and personal feelings. And that's exactly why we need a statement from the staff (a statement consist of a decision and reasons considering every argument given). But i doubt we get one
  16. Re: Tymerod's shop <r><QUOTE author="mrl3IG"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> end is 3 days = 72 hours after your offer:<br/> 02.03.2017 3:21 UTC+1</r>
  17. passt irgendwie hierzu: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=59926 Gibt aber bisher kein offizielles statement dazu
  18. Taunt+a dark/ghost move its so easy to counter Gothitelle. No im desagreed Gothitelle dont need a ban. On what earth is what u said relevent to my post (did i say bann gothitelle so you can disagree?) And your claims are just (sry for that) pure bull shit without any reasons given. Gothitelle switches in on your pokemon and not the other way around. So your taunt or dark/ghost pokemon/move is just not in the game till gothitelle is at +6 and killed your pokemon or switched out itself. At +6 there is no ghost type pokemon threatening goth with a OHKO. And even if we had pursuit working only adamant TTar would be able to kill it with pursuit if equipped with choice band (95.9 - 113.3%, and that's only a 75% chance)!!! So everything below that bar fails including adamant+life orb absol (81.6 - 95.9%), adamant+life orb bisharp/honchkrow (79.3 - 93.6%), jolly+life orb weavile (70.3 - 82.2%). And without pursuit why wouldnt you just switch goth out if the enemy sends a dark type pokemon? Nevertheless i asked for a statement of the staff and not the oppinion of players nether do i want to start a new discussion because everything has been said (i actually shared the calculations the 3rd/4th time now). It's time for the staff to make their move/statement (a: still discussing it, but that's what we have so far ...; b: no action taken, because ...; c: nerf movepool to weaken it like they did with the baton pass clause to speed boost pokemons; d: bann goth in combination with shadow tag; did i forget an option???)
  19. Imo the problem is that (afaik) we dont have an official statement from the staff why they didnt take any action in the case of shadow tag gothitell (i reduce it to st goth because wobbuffet hasnt really been part of the discussion in PRO or smogon). A problem discussed as often and intensive as st goth by the community should really be taken more seriously by the staff e.g. by sharing the internal discussion with the community. maybe we/they miss something in the argumentation.
  20. Re: Tymerod's shop <t>thx. it Isnt always the case e.g. the two bisharps are from a friend who stopped playing or i will sell my non OT if i catch a better one but im not primarily trying to resell pokemons to make profit</t>
  21. Welcome to my little shop. Im selling my own (Tymerod, Diancecht) or my friends pokemon (Settel) mostly. [goto=auction]Auctions[/goto] [goto=insta]Insta Price[/goto] [goto=shiny]Shiny[/goto] [goto=sold]Sold[/goto] Rules: - I wont discuss insta prices in this topic. If u want to suggest another price do it via private message - dont bail out once a deal is made - I have the right to not sell a pokemon to a known reseller - I wont add insta prices for auctions in the last 24 hours or suddenly sell it to some1 - 30 days ms is currently valued with 500k [anchor=auction]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/anchor] Auctions: [anchor=insta]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/anchor] Insta Price: Breloom - 750k Arcanine - 600k Tentacruel - 500k Lanturn - 500k Lucario - 250k Metagross - 150k Medicham - 100k [anchor=shiny]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/anchor] Shiny: 25k each [anchor=sold]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/anchor] Sold:
  22. It looks like pick axe has a higher chance to prevent the pokemon from fleeing if u have less than the normally neccessary discoveries.
  23. thx. i added the informtaion, that u can find the pokemons from the normal rocks in the shiny ones too.
  24. around 3200 i have 3200 discoveries and get them now 13-24 time dk if i can spawn them before 13 do u have pick axe or ms? because i got access to them exactly after 4k
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