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Everything posted by Theakalli

  1. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Link Boss and Moveset Added! <t>Sevii Island doesn't give 70K+ Money since I got 66K.I guess 60k+.<br/> <br/> Got 40K From 9oomy and Gouseru.<br/> <br/> Third Time Reward : Purrloin Deino Marill Pancham Goomy <br/> and one more I forgot</t>
  2. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <r>Allez venez,on est bien <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  3. Well done, pretty good guide.;^p
  4. Feels good to see the old forum style again,but PRONIKO Is better imo.:)
  5. Hey, The Membership Pokémon in Eterna Forest is Espurr. =)
  6. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Terminator and Maribela (Sinnoh) ADDED! <t>Rapidash - Bounce<br/> <br/> Got 23k and 1 Energy Root</t>
  7. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <r>Bumping like you do <E>:Sing:</E></r>
  8. You need to be Sinnoh Champion and have 150hours in Sinnoh. :Angel: After this,head to stark mountain.
  9. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Terminator and Maribela (Sinnoh) ADDED! <t>Brock now gives Cranidos.</t>
  10. Pretty nice guide,i'm sure it will help. Good job
  11. Welcome Zrone o/
  12. Welcome to PRO! \o/
  13. Re: PvP | RAIN | An1ma vs Fantazi0 <t>Was a pretty funny video,well played.:3</t>
  14. Very nice Collection :3
  15. Welcome!
  16. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <t>Welcome o/</t>
  17. Re: [CUSTOMIZATION] 1 More Section <t>I don't see why not? +1</t>
  18. Yes,if you catch another Wartotle and make it evolve into a Blatoise,you will the evo data if you didn't get it already. And by the way,yesterday I had 242 evos,now I got my Latios.You can do it,just need to work hard.
  19. Welcome \o/
  20. Goodluck Burdy <3
  21. Re: Adamant Phantump; BO: 0k <t>Nevermind,sorry,this message can be deleted.</t>
  22. Hype,good luck everyone.:P
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