Re: ive made some pvp videoes if anybody is interested :)
<r><QUOTE author="An1ma"><s> </e></QUOTE>
hi han :3 <3<e> </e></QUOTE>
hi an1ma, btw great vidoes :3 I love your sand teams ;)</r>
Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted}
<r><QUOTE author="koka"><s> </e></QUOTE>
hey koka thanks for applying for our guild^^ I'll send you the discord link in private pms^^ <E>:Smile:</E></r>
Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted}
<r><QUOTE author="Ugibugi"><s> </e></QUOTE>
hey ugibugi thanks for applying for our guild. I'll send you the discord link by private pms^^ <E>:y:</E></r>
hi daxian brock is on the left side of pewter city. If he is not there its a bug. For trainers valley, you need requirements the same as love island which is 138 kanto pokes caught data and 38 evos i think
hi o/ If you look at this link they are making something related to npc rebattles^^ Hope that answers your question
hi this game is made from scratch. If it was copied right away, yes it would be easy to do those things. I would just like to say. A game is hard to code and it takes time even though we have great coders
I understand. I hope my post didn't come through as rude.
Does the team have any plans to add the feature in the future?
well i dont know since im not a staff, but they are adding features every week or days. Just recently
these moves were coded and i think more will come^^
yeah ill try make anything :/
kakashi!!!! (the anime charicter in my profile pic :3 ) and if you want you could register as a artist staff,,, your works are really good :3
hi this game is made from scratch. If it was copied right away, yes it would be easy to do those things. I would just like to say. A game is hard to code and it takes time even though we have great coders