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Everything posted by Tzrekjad

  1. Re: wts Cute Shiny Sudowoodo <r><QUOTE author="quanle92" post_id="457811" time="1508706709" user_id="562090"><s> </e></QUOTE> i was thinking about 5CC + cacturne? I really like cacturne which is why im not offering more CC/cash. I payed 3m for cacturne btw. so my offer is about 5m i think which is ur minimum requirment. if you wish to go along with the auction then go ahead, my offer here still stands just incase. <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  2. Re: wts Cute Shiny Sudowoodo <r><QUOTE author="quanle92" post_id="457804" time="1508706189" user_id="562090"><s> </e></QUOTE> well it depends what ur look for, do you have a price range? If not i will ask some guildies. Thanks :) <e> </e></QUOTE> maybe your mushroom and some cash, price range around 5 - 7m I guess <e> </e></QUOTE> sorry the mushroom is ot so i dont trade xD, i was thinking S cacturne+cash or a trade with S armaldo involved</r>
  3. Re: wts Cute Shiny Sudowoodo <r><QUOTE author="quanle92" post_id="457799" time="1508705297" user_id="562090"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'm mainly looking for cash but what is your offer anyways? <E>:Angel:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> well it depends what ur look for, do you have a price range? If not i will ask some guildies. Thanks :)</r>
  4. Re: wts Cute Shiny Sudowoodo <t>accept trade for other shinies?</t>
  5. okay i will pm you online
  6. time and insta? also do you accept trades for other shinies?
  7. this + team preview ;)
  8. whats ur price range for S litwick? i offer S aurorous + 4CC as a start.
  9. when i sell my shiny pinsir, ill offer on togekiss you looking for 7-8m on it or more?
  10. Re: Sell Shiny Shinx <t>contact me ingame if i win please<br/> <br/> Thanks.</t>
  11. all these tier 9's, ill get mine one day.
  12. start 300k insta 1.5m auction will last 48h from when the starting bid was made Thanks GL
  13. Re: Sell Shiny Shinx <t>i start with 5m, is there any time or insta?</t>
  14. Re: Shiny SKARMORY :3 <t>what range are you looking for?</t>
  15. Re: Shiny SKARMORY :3 <t>soz double post...</t>
  16. Re: Shiny SKARMORY :3 <t>contact me ingame ;)</t>
  17. hey i have abra and nidoran m
  18. Re: WTS Shiny Tyrogue! <t>1m :P</t>
  19. i guess the rarest is the 2nd shiny shroomish as it has h.a and adamant nature
  20. nice guide babe
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