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Zelkova last won the day on September 8 2019

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  1. Thank you for great guide , i get this error message at serenia village. I already gave 5 candies. What should i do atm ?
  2. I confirmed it already. Thank you for your efford and sorry for disturbing.
  3. Hello , thank you very much for your kindly comment. I used adobe premiere pro for editing the following video :)) Thank you very much , glad that you like it :)
  4. That's the first time i was editing a video. Hope you enjoy like me p.s. : This game is pure evil.
  5. delete it please.
  6. still waiting. I am not doing any bosses since my boss pokes are mostly gone...
  7. Hidden power is a TM which can be optained from Slateport Outdoor Market NPC for $4,000. It is commonly using for tricking enemy pokemons to taking advantage. Lets take an example of Hp Fire. Serperior has great speed (need +26 spd for outspeed gengar which has 350 speed) and when it combined with hp fire , it can one k.o the strong meta tanky pokemons like ferrothorn which has 4x weakness against fire. (I advice you to use bulpedia site to check every single pokemon weakness when needed). You barely can touch with grass move's which serperior has but with that hidden power ability it is suddenly become strong even for grass type pokemon's. Thats the same trick for other pokemons like HP Ice infernape. Garchomp is strong agaisnt fire type but has weakness agaisnt HP Ice. So you can trick him with HP Ice move to taking advantage. Hope i explained clearly , cheers.
  8. Historical site also has : Riolu Croagunk Dragonic site has : Gible Briny site has : Alolomola
  9. It was a confirm bug , i also lost 3 super epic. However it will be recovered soon by manuually as admins said . Dont worry and wait.
  10. Still waiting for recover , thank you for answering.
  11. Are these pokemons are open for offers? Super shop but need some reduce on prices i guess. If you accept offers i am highly intreste with dragonite :)
  12. Thank you for your hardworking and sharing the struggles you get in this project. I am also thinking about the same thoughs , however, it is still better than most of the projects ever been made. So dont worry about it , keep on good working :)
  13. i also took a video when i was doing the boss to upload youtube (luckily) . But only could find Volcarona ID in that video. The others are dissappeared. The volca ID Was : 26597523
  14. I lend my epic klefki , volcarona and slowbro to my other account named Rematch , and then press send back to my Zelkova account. It sems it get back succesfully but after reloggin i now cant find my epic pokemons. I now couldnt find their ID Numbers. The pokemons are together worth more than 3m +. Could you help me as soon as possible?
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