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Everything posted by Daeon

  1. I will not be changing anything. Once I change one thing, people will ask for more changes. This happened with the Hide And Seek event and ultimately was more pain than it was worth. If you are not happy with the prizes, do not enter. I'm sure there is someone else who would be very grateful to receive a Legendary that cannot be obtained via any other method and is unique to them. I will not be chasing my tail making amendments every five minutes to please the minority.
  2. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r><QUOTE author="bladermagician"><s> </e></QUOTE> These are the generic move sets they were spawned with. I have not, and will not edit these.</r>
  3. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r><B><s></s>UPDATED<e></e></B> <LIST><s> </s><LI><s></s> Poll added - please vote Yes or No. DO NOT COMMENT on this post about it. Majority will determine vote. <LIST><s></s><LI>Just to add a note here - originally Move Set changes were not allowed. The reason for this is that I will be running the Tournament on my own, a set move list will help in eliminating false accusations of cheating/leaking and so on. As you can understand this is quite time consuming to investigate and deal with. However I will open it up to public vote.</LI><e></e></LIST></LI> <LI><s>[*]</s>Legendary Pokemon screenshots added.</LI> <LI><s>[*]</s>Entrants list updated.</LI><e> </e></LIST></r>
  4. Can you provide a screenshot of the issue please?
  5. You're welcome! Locked as solved.
  6. Daeon


    You can PM a user in-game if they are not on your Friend List by using /pm username-=-username if this helps. Also may I ask why you are searching for this player? Topic moved to proper place.
  7. Please check the last Pokemon in your box. I have also moved this topic to the proper subforum.
  8. Can you please tell me which server you are on, as this topic should be posted in General Support (where it requires you to say what server you are from). I will look into this for you, however I cannot guarantee that we will be able to return the Pokemon.
  9. On behalf of Team Revolution, I would like to formally apologise regarding changes to NPCs. The NPCs affected sell the following items: Focus Sash. Rare Candy. These NPCs have been removed following discovery of them by Shane. These NPCs were wrongly implemented, and do not reflect the direction and vision intended for the items. Please accept our sincere apologies and any inconvenience this may have caused. This will be discussed further, however at this current point in time, there will be no changes. If you would like to make further comment, please do so below - not in other areas of the forum.
  10. The majority of your arguments revolve around player behaviour. We ask players to agree to the T&Cs of the game when they register, however if they choose not to read the Rules or to disobey them, we will punish appropriately but I would like to make you aware that we are not responsible for their actions. Quite simply, we will not make choices based on fear of rulebreakers. Aside from this, the decision has been made - the reasons for this justify the action, however for privacy reasons I will not share, and Shane will share if he feels it warrants it - and therefore it will remain as it is.
  11. Please read the other threads also. Be patient, it is being worked on.
  12. The Android client has not been uploaded yet as it is still compiling. Please be patient meanwhile.
  13. Please see update in regards to new rule on the Tournament post.
  14. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r><QUOTE author="Daeon"><s> </e></QUOTE> Main Post has been updated with this information.</r>
  15. Yeah this bug happens with pacifiers too :confused: but not all hair styles go bald though This seems to be a continuous issue with male items. I will pass this onto the Content team and see what can be done to fix the issue.
  16. Hello Wynstella. Unfortunately no, this is not a service we provide. We do not make any amendments to any Pokemon whatsoever. In addition to this, this sub-forum is the wrong area to request something like this. This is for Donation Issues only. I have moved your topic to the correct sub-forum. Locked as solved.
  17. Re: Tauros Mount and Other stuffz kek <r>Ohhh these look nice Smoes! <br/> <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  18. Re: Who is your best buddy in PRO? Here's mine. <r><QUOTE author="nicksupergod"><s> </e></QUOTE> By the hairs of your chinny chin chin?</r>
  19. Re: Who is your best buddy in PRO? Here's mine. <r>[align=center]<IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/e3ab7eea739d4b5854d0d52b60470cbb.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> <I><s></s>*sings* Aaaaall by myseeelf.. *sniff* ...<br/> </I><LIST><s> </s><LI><I>..don't wanna be.. all by myself.. *wipes away tears* anymooore..</I></LI><e></e></LIST><i></i><br/> <br/> <br/> Even my Pokemon left me.[/align]</r>
  20. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <t>ENTRANTS LIST HAS BEEN UPDATED.<br/> <br/> All entrants have received a message regarding confirmation of registration or missing information. Please note Registration closes 15th January - if you do not submit all information prior to this date you will not be registered.</t>
  21. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r><QUOTE author="Roygamer10"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Try now, this was because you are a newly registered user on the forum. :)</r>
  22. Locked as per request of OP.
  23. I can appreciate the frustration caused by this matter, however no changes will be made and I will explain here why as best I can. I will also cover other topics raised in this thread to the best of my ability. As there are a few, and if I miss one, I do apologise. Firstly, a reminder what Membership actually is. Membership, along with other items in the Coin Shop, was introduced as a method of producing income via donations to the game, in order to support the growing community. Please note that we do not ever force Players to buy anything from the Coin Shop. Everything found in the Coin Shop is an additional perk - where you receive something in return, of your choosing, for your generosity and as a thank you for supporting the game. The game was initially made to support only a handful of players. During our busiest periods, for example in May prior to the Blue server being introduced - we had queues of over an hour in some cases for Players to log in. Now we have three Servers to run and maintain, each holding 1800 spots. I say this in regards to the Automation Software and Real World/Money Trading situation - the percentage of the community that uses automation software is probably the same as it ever was. The difference now is that due to a huge-scale ban by Shane, Players are aware of it. Nothing has changed, but public perception. PRO is an MMO, unfortunately in every community - real life, MMO or otherwise, there are people who seek personal gain and give no regards to the consequences of their actions. This results in things such as inflation, monopolisation and general unrest and rule breaking. We are not responsible for human nature, however, we do our best to create a fair community as best as we can. Please appreciate that we use our free time to do this, we are all volunteers around full-time jobs, families and other commitments. Rules are made available on our Homepage, and our forums. We also ask that when you register, you agree to the Terms & Conditions of the game, and they are linked there also. We provide all the resources possible to give as many chances as possible for people to correct their behaviour. If they choose to accept these T&Cs and then break them, then they are punished according to our Punishment Policy. In regards to the economy of PRO, there is a simple solution to this however, again, due to human nature, will most likely not be acted on. The same way that the price of Membership has risen, it can also fall by process of undercutting. If you create a competitive market, where you sell for lower than another seller, in order to sell the item yourself instead of losing the sale to someone else, gradually the price will fall. But as said, people seek personal gain above all else and the likelihood of this happening is very slim. The way we try to counter-act this is to provide money sinks such as Subways and Item Selling NPCs. At this point in time, we would just cause further uproar if we raised the price of these types of money sinks or introduced an excessive amount of them. Finally, in regards to the Suggestion that started this topic. This is a good idea, but becomes an issue when for example someone trades a Pokemon but forgot to remove the item and then can't retrieve it back and other such situations. To allow room for human error, I'm afraid this will not be implemented. I do have another idea though, that I have presented to the Management team. I will not share it at this stage, but I'm hoping it will provide compromise in both retaining incentive to donate but providing fair chance to all Players.
  24. On further discussion with Red, we have decided not to amend anything on the Hide&Seek Event prizes, and therefore the OT will remain as Daeon. If you have any further questions in regards to this, please PM me. I will also send notifications to this to the other winners.
  25. We won't change the OT to the new owner. However, I think Red has taken care of the OT name change situation. Awaiting confirmation. Will edit post to let you know as this is important when selling it as OT in this screenshot adds no value.
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