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Everything posted by Thor

  1. you need to post detailed system specs before we can give a definitive answer.
  2. let this be a teaser of whats to come in the future
  3. this is all based on your knowledge (or lack of, no insult) of how we would handle legends. we already have a system in place for it. - Players will only be able to reliable obtain a legendary with <601 base stat total. (so no mewtwo/arceus or whatnot) - Legendary pokemon aren't tradeable - the Legends that WILL be catchable will have huge expansive quests that require steep requirements. - Not all of these catchable legends will be obtainable however, with how the quests work out. Any 601+ legendary that enters the game WILL BE UNIQUE. now these can enter the game through some major tournament, or a give-away of sorts.
  4. Re: On the tracks of Mew / Cerulean Cave <t>the guard doesnt actually do anything. mewtwo is still blocked off pending a large quest being written up.</t>
  5. you can already close the chat. lowering graphics? theyre 2D sprites on top of a 3D mesh. if your phone struggles then it isnt good enough. simple as that.
  6. no. its up to the players to decide rarity
  7. nicknames will never happen.
  8. in ranked PvP, people who disconnect will have a loss marked instead of a DC. once ranked PvP is live, i encourage people to use it to avoid disconnecters not picking up losses
  9. he has a gametime requirement too. if u havent played enough, then he wont battle
  10. the game isnt designed for people to make money. it takes skill to accumulate.
  11. well, Lugia is the highest base stat pokemon ingame atm. 1 player has it, and thats how it stays. However, there are some very good examples of pseudo legends with good atsts out there
  12. oh, ive just noticed the amount of RAM you have. is the device running a stock version of an android OS? Stock android OS's require more RAM to do things, due to the extra crap bundled in with them. If you run a stock OS, you need 1.5+GB RAM.
  13. mind showing exactly what glitches? i.e with a screenshot
  14. Thor


    i actually like this idea. maybe only for a 15 day MS, but still.
  15. the encounter rates are hidden on purpose. we dont want players to group pokemon into tiers of rarity. however their usability in battle should dictate value
  16. crashes dont need to be explained, crashes happen. unfortunately it happens a lot. but shane is currently rewriting the server backend. the base server bits were based on PWOs server code (which everyone knows sucks ass). this will be remedied soon when we finish optimising. shane is also currently working on overhauling the battle system. so he is plenty busy. So any queries can be directed at me, not him since he has a lot on his plate. thank you all for playing and helping make this game better.
  17. added u back (into the app group again for now)
  18. yeah :) u didnt leave on bad terms, so y not
  19. welcome back, this goes without saying. however once u are well versed with how ur life is going, fancy coming back?
  20. i appreciate that people like to suggest stuff on how breeding can work. but here is the thing; we do not want breeding here, in any form. this is why breeding is on the list of things that are not to be introduced to PRO. this isnt open for debate. it simply wont happen. please, by all means think of other stuff to suggest but we will always shut down breeding ones because getting free pokemon with no effort isnt what PRO is about.
  21. That requires money, money whoch we spend on the servers. Furthermore, iOS isnt that advanced an OS Yes, it is secure, but thats because they treat you like 3 year olds and wont let u install stuff or run dynamic code. Bottom line is iOS sucks, get a real smartphone.
  22. dig is triggered with a NPC script, it literally cannot work like cut, which works server side
  23. there is special pokemon will never be catchable
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