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Everything posted by Thor

  1. Thor

    Battle animations!

    We are after an attack animation artist anyway, so hopefully we can make some leeway with recruiting
  2. I was looking at one of these as i wanted to buy one :P I cant remember if the macro function needs manual input (i.e holding down the mouse button instead of clicking), if it does. then i don't think it breaks our rules, as you're using hardware that is designed to make mouse use easier note i say 'Don't think'. I'm not sure what shane or red would say on the matter
  3. That's their duty. They can move the thread to a "record" (for those who want to know what happened with the server back then), and create a new thread if a new issue appears. P.S.: I have played mmos/participated in forums around 12 years, and i think i know how things works. Oh i'm sorry, I didn't realise you were the guy who defines what the moderation staff should do. Oh wait, I am. Let me tell you what the Mods and GMs are for; - General Moderation - Policing the server for rule breakers - Dealing with cases of rule-breaking - (optional) Helping players with game/forum based queries. I don't see 'reporting about server crashes that they actually would have no idea about because they don't have database access', do you? We don't have time to report every little crash. When we actually have to do something (i.e. update maps, upload new server/client build), we actively let players know in-game as it happens. The 3 people who have such access are me, Red and Shane. All 3 of us have RL related duties to attend to this week or so, in fact I am the most active of the 3, yet i'm barely on half an hour a day, such is life. Things will get back to normal next week, but I will leave with this note: We make this game for people to enjoy, we don't make this game so people can come on and whine when something doesn't go their way. Also, please next time before saying that stuff doesn't exist and needs to be added, actually play the game more than 5 minutes. Arcanine mount is free to get with a quest, one or 2 others will also be obtainable this way in the future. I've recently spoken to Shane about the PC Box storage system, it too, will be getting an overhaul; with better organisation, highlighted box numbers and search functionality being the major features. This will come in the future once major server stability is achieved
  4. short answer: only players who actually know about pokemon will be the ones to get ahead. If people dont know what is good for a particular pokemon, they should either use the internet (that was originally designed to be able to research and archive things) or just not bother with the poke altogether
  5. random legend encounters will never happen here. any catchable legend encounter will always be a single one time only scripted event, there will be no do-overs either
  6. The server will detect and ban people for using them. if it doesn't, then we have a capable team of GMs and MODs who will.
  7. Thor

    Buff UI

    this just looks terrible. I wouldn't be seen dead posting that work for a game wont happen, sorry
  8. Thor

    Battle animations!

    it really doesnt. sorry
  9. This could be something we could add, I too, am often curious of what people use.
  10. Thor

    Battle animations!

    Move animations arent done yet, hence y they arent in (making 600+ animations takes time) X/Y pokemon sprites, for that matter look horrible. the process in which nintendo rendered them shows the inferior hardware. look at how aliased and marked they are. They simply arent suitable for this game.
  11. Agreed with silver. Will never happen
  12. The orange islands are in progress, but since there are ~33 of them, this would be a longer term project. also its a MS only area of the game, so this is something for members to look forward to
  13. this is not a good suggestion, as explained by the post above, it would lead to all sorts of exploitation, Denied
  14. Jackson goes to the sevii islands, just fyi
  15. u can buy dig in celadon dept store
  16. Celadon city dept store 1F already has a facility where people can sell unwanted items. It doesn't let you sell all items, only the most common basics
  17. Nope, its not the ART runtime. Mine actually runs quicker with it than without :P
  18. the resolution would impact on performance, but not enough that it would crash on using PC My phone also uses 1080p resolution. Im thinking this may be more to do with the ART runtime. Im on 4.4.4, which has ART, but im using the dalvik runtime. i will test to see if ART is the issue
  19. they are correct, however i do need to go back and redraw them a little cleaner
  20. hey dude, glad you like the game, we're currently working hard on making more content and bug squashing You can donate right within the game by clicking on the 'shop' icon ingame
  21. Im sorry, but what part of 'Legendary' is not being understood. The point is, we wont help people get one of the exclusive pokemon in the game, people have to find out for themselves
  22. You find it nowhere, this is my pokemon. Its a unique pokemon.
  23. I swear people want us to turn into PWO. this is an idiot suggestion. Dont like HMs, dont play pokemon. Pokemon and HMs are intertwined. Every pokemon game has had HMs. That is just how it is and will continue here, with the exception of Fly and Strength, Fly is broken in an MMO setting, and strength isnt needed.
  24. Im sorry, but this is the internet age. You need certain speeds to achieve stuff. 10kbps is just too slow. Maybe think about relocating or getting a better deal.
  25. NPC dialogue will never have a translation, that will always be in english only. I have been planning to start gathering translations of the basic interface and item/ability/moves. But thats about it
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