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Everything posted by Natryu
PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Heroofthestreet Friendliest: Fallen Funniest: Coup0d0boule Coolest: Popinsmoke Comeback Player of the Year: Benikisaki Most Talkative: Finnderboss Most Trustworthy: Teerav Most Helpful: ShinyCelebi Most Missed: ZarteLust Most Influential: Dakivid Most Intriguing: Smooge Most Experienced Player: Glogs Best/Funniest Username: Matherfather13 Most Professional Guide Maker: Belzebel Most Professional Discord Moderator: waleed1301 STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: YuiFelwood Best Content Scripter: MagicGuard Best Community Coordinator: Contrary Best Moderator: Qeight Best Trade Moderator: Tigerous Best Tester: Smooge Best Game Master: Logan Best Admin: Red Best Developer: Shaolan Best Staff Username: Gouda Most Professional Staff: Tigerous Most Dedicated Staff: Shinohara Funniest Staff: Tempa Friendliest Staff: Tigerous Most Honorable Former Staff: Enoch Most Missed Former Staff: Fluffles
In-Game Name: Natryu Discord Tag: Natryu#6561 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Almost daily What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Emoji freedom. I want to use emojis from other discords due to my Nitro.
Really great guild. The community is very enjoyable and the knowledge about PvP is insane. The guild is almost 2 years old. Which means NoMercy is celebrating their anniversary on April. You want events? - We got them! Oh you are into PvP incentives huh? - We got you covered baby! You want some friends? - EASY! We got it all. :haroldface: This guild is still relevant goddamit.
Hello. I wanted Heatran to learn "Eruption" but since it is not listed at the move relearner nor at the egg move/ pre evo tutor. I haven't searched on tutor heaven yet. It should be available even without tutor heaven. Please add it :) Thanks a lot
Hello. Nice collection. Have a nice day.
3v3_battle information Description: On the left you can see the battle information screen which can be opened by clicking on the plus icon ( minus icon if active). The screen includes information about room effects and buffs. The effects show the remaining turns. So basically it counts downwards( 3,2,1,0). Below you can see the battle log. Next to the players name you can see your Avatar and the PVP rating. Below the team preview you can see the field hazards and the weather condition. Mega Evolution should be triggered by clicking on the icon. You will then be asked if you are sure. You can cancel then or even afterwards if the opponent is still deciding for his move. Clicking on the Mega stone = yes. [spoiler=Team Switch and stat info] Description: The switch works with DRAG and DROP. The active pokemons are those with the green icon behind them. You will ask if you chose the correct Pokemon for the incoming switch and you can press OK or Cancel. Stat information can be shown if you hover over a pokemon Name. It will show HP in % and ONLY buffs which made changes. So if you have no boost in ATK, the ATK change will not appear. I have placed ALL possible changes into this "bubble". Obviously most of them will not be triggered at the same time. Just to showcase what is possible. [spoiler=Item usage] Description: I hope the Item menu is self explained. Only new thing are the categories: HP/Status heal items; Pokéballs and Battle items such as X-attack. And the feature last used item should be added for convenience . [spoiler=Z-move usage] Description: Here is the Z-Stone placed where the Mega Stone would be. Depending on your choice, since you can't have both in one team. Same dialog function. Important is. A NORMAL move, will not trigger a question where you have to press OK... You will just use it. If you have not a Z or Mega Stone the box will be replaced with OK. If you hover over a move it will show description of it as well information about Z-move. On mobile hover=press longer. __________ Hello guys. Here is my second submission. Quick info: Blue background should have around 90% opacity... Nevertheless. I hope you like it. Vote it up and dm me feedback if you want. Criticism is welcomed.
- 57 replies
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Hello guys (: Please open the spoiler and click on the images to view them. [spoiler=1v1_first impression] The first picture is 1v1 clean version. This means it doesn't contain info boxes and effect boxes. The 2nd picture include those boxes I've mentioned. When opening the Battle Information the sprites should resize to fit the battle field. The Info boxes for moves and stats are ONLY seen when you hover on it PC player. Mobile user can press the i-con for move information. For stat information mobile player can double click the name. Here you can see the screen for people who prefer the menu on the left side. Can be achieved through the settings toggle on the top left side. If you would like to chat , you might use the settings which are on the bottom side at the battle information box. [spoiler=Menu_UI_switching_and_items] Here you can see the UI when you want to switch out the current Pokémon which is placed in a slightly green box. For 2v2 and 3v3 there will be obviously 3 green boxes to indicate which Pokémon are active fighting. Defeated Pokémon are shown with a red overlay. Here you can see the UI for using ITEMS. There is a quick pick( Last used item) and 3 categories which are like tabs. The first category has all HP and status items. The 2nd has Pokéballs. And the 3rd has battle items such as X-Attack pills or whatever they are called. [spoiler=2v2 and 3v3] Here you see 2v2 with the battle information. So the sprites are smaller. Here 2v2 without battle information. Sprites are slightly bigger. Here 3v3 with the battle information. Sprites slightly smaller. Here 3v3 without battle information and the sprites are resized again. [spoiler=Z_move and mega_stone] Depending on the pokemons item these icons should be clickable and you will be asked to use Z-move or Mega Evo. You can cancel it or press ok. *Important* For normal moves you won't be asked. Also the name of the Z move will be in the dialog box top right corner!!! Not in the actual former move. Since the longest Z - Move name has 25letters. Everything done so far is using the mobile first approach. Which means that I designed it for mobile devices( 360x640). The reason for that is that it is easier to scale later on since all Elements are already implemented. #responsive Most Icons and Elements were done by me. I can provide you with further support and also adjust the design to your liking. Here you can see how it would look on a mobile device. [spoiler=mobile device] I appreciate feedback and I am willing to make changes if necessary. Please hit me up on my DMs if you have suggestions.
Hello. CEST (Central European Summer Time) UTC/GMT +2 hours http://prntscr.com/jxbxvj Trainer Card __ 1 http://prntscr.com/jxbyx7 Nidoking 2 http://prntscr.com/jxbzi7 Crawdaunt 3 http://prntscr.com/jxbzr1 Lucario 4 http://prntscr.com/jxbzza Breloom 5 http://prntscr.com/jxc0gf Tyranitar 6 http://prntscr.com/jxc0t9 Magnezone 7 http://prntscr.com/jxc15i Dragonite 8 http://prntscr.com/jxc385 Azumarill 9 http://prntscr.com/jxc3r5 Chansey 10 http://prntscr.com/jxc485 Xatu 11 http://prntscr.com/jxcb3k Cloyster 12 http://prntscr.com/jxc8qr Clefable 13 http://prntscr.com/jxs3k0 Mew 14 http://prntscr.com/jxc5xz Weavile 15 http://prntscr.com/jxc634 Togekiss 16 http://prntscr.com/jxrpa6 Ferrothorn
Add Preview System Ingame Clothing: Show the ingame character wearing the chosen clothes without actually owning them. The current preview in the ingame shop is improveable. Guild Logo: Creating a Logo ingame can cost a lot of time. It would be easier to upload the 16x16 image here and have a preview of how it would look like ingame and on the trainerpass. Add Crafting System My guild leader has mentioned it on the guild island topic. However I'd like to mention it again. A crafting system would be very interesting. Whether it is in the guild island only or available for all. It would be something like fusion items to get a different item. It opens up the possibilty to get certain items differentely and it would make unused item more necessary.
[NPC Request Event] Santa Claus is Coming to PRO!
Natryu replied to Artoriel's topic in Announcements
NPC Name: Big Shaq Natryu ( looks like santa claus ) Starting Dialogue: "Playername" : Hey, why are you wearing a Santa Claus costume? - "Big Shaq Natryu" - Man lost his jacket ... so man's not hot! Man's cold ya dun know! Losing Dialogue: My bro Santa, he got a jacket. So he gave it to me. The ting go skrra, pa pa ka ka ka skeedy ki pa pa and a poom poom prrrr boom skiya! On Cooldown Dialogue: Man's not cold! Man's hot! Come back when man's not hot! Team: Delibird, froslass, Glalie. Special Request (If any): -
NPC name: Teerav's not hot. _ Text: 2+2=4! Minus one thats 3, quick maths. Everyday teerav's on the block, smoke trees. See your girl in the park, that girl is a uckers. When the ting went quack-quack-quack, you men were ducking. Hold tight Waniardy, he's got a pumpy. Hold tight my man, he's got a frisbee. I trap-trap-trap on the road, movin' that cornflakes. Rice Krispies, hold tight my girl Belzy. On the road doin' ten toes, 'llow my toes. You man thought I froze. I see a peng-girl then i pose. If she's not on it I ghost. Hah, look at your nose. What? You D(u)ckhead. Look at your nose. Nose look like a garden hose. Shhh you get me? Boom, man's gonna come back in. You know like that, you feelin' that. You dun know, I see you shiverin' and that. Don't get shook man's here you protected... Aight, boom Let's go, boom Hop out the four door with the 44 it was 1,2,3 and 4 Chillin' in the corridor, Your Teerav is 44 And he still calling man for a draw. Let him know, when I see him, I'm gonna spin his jaw. Take my twix by force, sad man shop by force. Your girl knows I've got the sauce, no ketchup. Just sauce, raw sauce. Boom, yo, gah Da ting goes skrrra pap pap ka ka ka skidiki pap pap and a pu pu drrrr boom SKYAAA du du ku ku tun tun poom poom You dun know, big Nat, ha, yo, yeah yeah Alright, fire-fire-fire in the booth. You get me, Teerav's not hot. I tell her Teerav's not hot. I tell her Teerav's not hot. The girl told me: Take off your jacket. I said babes. Teerav's not hot. Yo, Teerav can never be hot. Perspiration ting, Lynx effect. Yo you dun know. [...] ___________ Team: Honchkrow, Murkrow(prankster), Chandelure,Gourgeist,Giratina,Gengar ______ 2nd NPC dialog: If the first one is too long. Npc name: Teerav Text: "skrrra pap pap ka ka ka skidiki pap pap and a pu pu drrrr boom SKYAAA du du ku ku tun tun poom poom." ____ Team: Pumpkaboo, Shedninja, Sableyle(prankster), Rotom-Wash, Mega Gengar Greetings to my friends Teerav, Waniardy and Belz. Of course as well to all NoMercy Members Your Officer Nat.
Third Pokemon Revolution Online Tournament!
Natryu replied to Shamac's topic in Official Tournaments and Events
I would like to register! Server: Blue Timezone: GMT+ 1 (Germany) Trainer Card: -
Exclusive PRO Giveaway - Nintendo Switch
Natryu replied to a topic in Official Tournaments and Events
Re: Nintendo Switch Giveaway <t>Hi ! My Username is Natryu , I am from Germany and <br/> I'm interested in the Nintendo Switch.<br/> I'd like to play PRO on it if possible.<br/> Haven't won anything so far, so I keep trying.<br/> <br/> Thanks</t> -
hello i would have won this battle.. after my breloom who had focus sash, died from sandstorm the pvp system froze.
Hello, BlueMystic offers you a place at our guild. If you are looking for a chill atmosphere and friendly people or if you still need some pvp advices just pm me ingame Natryu or contact any Member you see ingame. Whatever you will choose i wish you good luck and much fun
Did you receive my imgur album, i sent to daeon. NO answe yet.
Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>i want to participate almost 1k hours, blue server, gmt+1<br/> <URL url="https://www.pic-upload.de/view-32264768/Screenshot_110.png.html"><s></s><IMG src="https://www2.pic-upload.de/thumb/32264768/Screenshot_110.png"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL></r>
Talonflame with h.a b.o 2m and insta price 3m Blaziken b.o 400k insta 1m Gardevoir maximum speed b.600k insta 1,3m ign= Natryu contact me ingame or leave a comment i will close this thread if nobody wants them or i am not happy with offers. It stays open until wednesday 10pm , gmt+2 if you leave an offer you cant retreat so think wisely.
Yes please fix this bug. It makes people arguing and is making pvp unattractive. Please pay attention =) To people might send unnecessary reports best regards Natryu
Yes it worked after password reset. Thank you. You may close thread :p
I tried it and it still doesnt work :( i have also checked my account status. I am not banned.
PRO Username: Natryu Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing, i logged in as normal. What have you already tried to solve the problem? I asked at the live support chat. I restarted and reinstalled the game. I tried it on different servers. What i didnt do is trying to change my password. Description and Message When i press login at Blue server it says "invalid username or password". It is correct, otherwise i wouldnt be able to login into red servers queue. There Problem only occurs when i try to login at blue server.