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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. @Gabriel10hdz When are you online? What timezone? swellow 70 + 80k = 150k nidoran 50k rotom 300k snivy 60k buneary 50k
  2. Wtb 20+ timid Scrappy Swellow and 31 speed 28 Spatk Scrappy Swellow Timid Nidoran 21+ hustle timid 28 speed timid hp fire Rotom Contrary max speed Snivy Timid Adamant 20+ buneary
  3. It probably was to make the gameplay harder and actually be somewhat fun instead of just smacking all trainers in five minutes and leaving the hideout to never look back.
  4. Wtb Careful 200k Mold Breaker Drilbur 31 speed 20 spatk 100k Timid Magic Guard Abra. Jolly 28 atk 31 speed Starly Reckless 120k Timid HP Fire 20+ Mareep 50k Impish Bulletproof 170k Jangmo-o
  5. @Fafouney Fixed mdrrrrrrrr I still don't really get the red part thing, I can actually switch between floors up and down using the elevator perfectly fine. Maybe it's bugged?
  6. It has already been denied in the past because of the amount of delays and leaks it would cause and the manpower that would be needed.
  7. @Radovid10 tell me when and where to meet
  8. Bhimoso

    New Leaf - Top 50

    @Dvmxxx @Da3bizzle @Frenny @Magik4rp @Thegreatjenish Thanks for applying to the guild. Please, check your private messages.
  9. Why not? They substitute the necessity to have a pokemon with Rock Smash and Headbutt in your team.
  10. @Radovid10 When and where to meet?
  11. Without Battle Logs there's not much that can be checked sadly.
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