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Hikou last won the day on February 23 2021

Hikou had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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778 profile views

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Buy the 150k one, discord: Hikou#1001 or ingame Hikou
  2. Buy charizard 200k , my discord is Hikou#1001 or u can find me ingame as Hikou
  3. Buy this : Ingame name: Hikou Discord: Hikou#1001
  4. buy these : my discord is Hikou#1001 or u can find me ingame as Hikou
  5. Buy pikachu, my discord is Hikou#1001 or u can find me ingame as Hikou
  6. +1 The new icon is ugly as heck
  7. buy swablu 100k . Discord: Hikou#1001
  8. buy this shellos . Discord ID: Hikou#1001 or my name ingame is Hikou
  9. My discord id is #Hikou1001 or u can pm ingame as Hikou
  10. Buy these ones
  11. Buy zoroak 1m and Empoleon 250k my discord is Hikou#1001
  12. Sorry, it was late for my time zone, can u contact me to Hikou#1001 in discord ,ty
  13. Bump ( new pokes added)
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