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  1. hi , i'm arlonge on gold server and I like to headbutt trees. I hope to make new friends to pursue this hobby together , maybe even a guild that will recognize this talent. Thank you.
  2. rate deidaraa pvp council leader (try not to smile challenge )))))))))))))))))))))))))) (aggs too btw)))))))
  3. ign :arlonge discord : arlonge in legacy server ( aggs is in it) how old? 74 but feel 21 how many hrs? 2.9k but feel like 290 hrs pvp interest scale : 1.31415 difference between ev and iv: not sure what it is but I can learn it showdown? yes im goat of showdown , 15,000 games and 5% winrate.( dare i even say top 5 on most talented e-girls on SD) Fav poke? yep , my favorite is typhlosion , reminds of forest fires in california shoutout Aggs FAv poke for PVP? chansey because theres alot of thought that goes into clicking softboiled on precisely the right 45 degree angle so u can heal better. heres my favorite team from when i played: focus sash golem with sturdy so i can live moldbreaker eq from gyarados. toxic orb clefable because im 0da and use trick on it flying gem driftbloom because what other ghost flying ingame?? ( very god success rate (ask eggss XDDDDD(oops meant agg))
  4. +1.131415
  5. hi can translate spanish???english is new !! ! hablas espanol , uhh ola.
  6. Me and my friend who is called "Aggs" on gold server are premier shiny collectors that came out from under our rocks in vermillion pc to say ban greninja because we have spent 1321312323 trying to find shiny greninja and only got brain damage. Therefore this is absolutely broken and where do i go to apply for ascenscion guild?? also trade evo golem if any of u got time.
  7. Player name: Arlonge Showdown name: Makoci Server: Gold Timezone: GMT-4 Rank on ladder: 7
  8. Qqq

    help me enjoy pvp

    noob here also , but your ivs rarely matter ( ocassionally it does especially in speed tiers) but other than that 20+ is good enough. Your focusing on the wrong things , i think you want to look deeper into the fundamentals of pvp , look into the guide about teambuilding and then use pokemon from the top usages. Reasoning behind that is you could be the best player and your gona lose if your team is just trash and no synergy. Additionally pokemon in the top usages usually have a good reason that they are being used so much , because they are good.)
  9. Qqq

    Dont Ban Aeriglash.

    OMEGALUL , the donphan god has spoken
  10. if he offered mistakenly , shouldn't it go back to the original c.o before he offered , as he was the only one bidding against me
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