ign :arlonge
discord : arlonge in legacy server ( aggs is in it)
how old? 74 but feel 21
how many hrs? 2.9k but feel like 290 hrs
pvp interest scale : 1.31415
difference between ev and iv: not sure what it is but I can learn it
showdown? yes im goat of showdown , 15,000 games and 5% winrate.( dare i even say top 5 on most talented e-girls on SD)
Fav poke? yep , my favorite is typhlosion , reminds of forest fires in california shoutout Aggs
FAv poke for PVP? chansey because theres alot of thought that goes into clicking softboiled on precisely the right 45 degree angle so u can heal better.
heres my favorite team from when i played:
focus sash golem with sturdy so i can live moldbreaker eq from gyarados.
toxic orb clefable because im 0da and use trick on it
flying gem driftbloom because what other ghost flying ingame?? ( very god success rate (ask eggss XDDDDD(oops meant agg))