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Everything posted by Luohan

  1. Since we have PvE coins, the PvP reward system get nerfed so much. I think there is no exclusive untradable pvp reward-items I could get from the PvP shop anymore. I worked hard to get Kyogree and Entei mounts and also a Pangoroo set. Now it's much better to keep doing this PvE to get a syncable pokemons chance. The only valuable items I can grind for in PvP system are reroll tickets.. I think there should be some more exclusive rewards in this shop. Maybe other page with syncable pokemons, but more rare than in PvE shop? Like Vulcan island starters. Or extra items like super black medalion with 50% for h.a, or some shiny chance booster for wild pokemons. Do u have some good ideas how to make this part of game more profitable? Maybe just the simplest way that for PvP match we would get a 1 PvP coin + 1 PvE coin? There is so much to do outside the ranked battles, IMO the PvP reward system should be better.
  2. like in the link below, there should be a 30% chanse to paralyze target. i have tried many times and ratio of paralyze looks like 10% tested it in both pvp and wild pokes https://dex.pokemonshowdown.com/moves/thunder
  3. Laddering tooks a lot of time, while for tourney u have to just catch each other and do few h-skill battles. +1 from me. Also each tournament could have specific rules like banned Talons u mentioned, what would let us think a bit on the optimal strategies.. :)
  4. Re: -Discord Link Inside- [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>Im in, please sign me up!<br/> Wiedzmin93, red.</t>
  5. LF Chandelure (Litwick) HP ice + flash fire. i like modest/ timid or or -sp def. Also -def only if very good iv. iv might be just decent anyway for epic, I can offer up to 2-2.5m I do prefere discord PM, or here. Im hard to catch ingame last time. discord: spikes monster#1745
  6. Yo! Current top players uses huge teams data bases based on opponents IGN, what makes fancy team unbelivable hard to use. This suggestion can help make a battles bit less staller as it works now. Easiest solution is to hide nickname of opponent. That should not be hard to implement. We could start doing the best thing in pokemon battles - thinking how to suprise the opponent with pokes he could not expect! That is, IMHO, the most fun part of the game, if u could sweep somebody with eg special sweeper snorlax :Cool: . But making it well-known on the society makes it completly usles, and that's why most of us uses stall team... Even if u know them, it's hard to beat them. Everybody cries how a lot stall team is here now, so make some steps to change it. Other, much better, but slighty harder to implement option (still possible, but we know how hard is to add anything new to the PRO code): Anonymous ranked battles with team preview! That could make the battles both fun with using unknow and fancy bulids of pokemons, and let u think at the begining what tactic should I go, which pokes has to be safe, etc, etc. Think about it, that could make a PvP much more fun for the both sites, where we could show how smart sets can work. /edit, as my friend suggest, anonymous battles could make reports impossible to do. That would require an unique ID number for each battle, wich could be checked by GM. Screenshots/video evidence ll have this number at the current IGN vs IGN bar, so GM would be able to check who u battles with. /also, to contact opponent we could use eitehr battle tab or new anonymous pm button, which wont show ur IGN. The button could be used either on battle window, or implemented as a command like: /pm <battle123456>
  7. It works correctly on my android phone. I ll try redownload client later.
  8. Everything missing on my account on red sever. I Cant do any move also. I had no money, tried log in yellow (where i have pokes and can walk with no problems) where I have 8k, and then 8k appears on red. Still stuck with no badges, money, pvp coins and items except clothes. I have tried restart apk and multiple relogs... Still some big crash on my account
  9. It wasnt my 1st pvp this ingame sesion. Im sure the glitch is connected with forced switches.
  10. My tyranitar hit gyarados with stone edge, gyarados used dragon tail, switch to my entei witch @choice band. I could only use move with same position as stone edge on tyranitar. I should be able to choce any move. :Cry: It might be same with moves like roar, whrilwind, etc. You should check them all, same as other choice items
  11. remember it has x4 grass weakness
  12. Looking for following pokemons or their evo/preevo hp ice jolteon 26+ speed, +speed nature, not jolly; hp ice roserade timid 25+; max speed espeon ha; just not jolly; hasty/naive 31 speed, +20 iv deino; bold ha +15 iv alomomola. Fell free to offer via pm here or in game, same ign.
  13. Re: WTS/WTT ------ Shiny DRUDDIGON ------ inst added <r>sold <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  14. starting: 15m minimal bid increment: 500k inst: 20m time: 7d since getting starting price
  15. Its very good idea - can motivate players to start doing ranked battles, to fix their legendaries. Anyway, remember that sync fail could made some legends useles, fix iv won't help it (+10% gives more than 31 iv) Some players also don't like the idea of reset IV for them. Btw, I believe the only players who doesn't want it are players who get very lucky on their legnedaries. I have few good few not, anyway fell like giving same chances for everyone is best for balanced battles. Why not to connect the ideas, and make item, u could buy for PvP Coins, which let you to recatch a legend? Legends won't be as perfect as with IV reset, we would be able to fix also the nature, and it would motivate to do ranked battles as well.
  16. Im open to any other requirements for it, but disabled way to recatch unbalance pvp as hell ;p Ikr it should be very hard to get 2nd chance, but it should be! The idea of 3rd time win chance to recatch the one u deleted is great.
  17. Being not able to delete and recatch legends makes pvp very unbalanced. Personaly my sync fail 3/4 times so far at legendaries, and i fell my pvp teams cant be that good anyway. I suggest to open access to delete any leged, and after each 100h ingame with completed evo dex of the legend we want to recatch region, we could recatch it (with Nicola or other special boss).
  18. no way. pvp valuable pokes should be decently easy to get (imo even easier). from the other hand, i'd give the highest rarity for pokemons who are useles for pvp, but we ll need them for evo dex, which ll open acces to legendaries (no stupid ingame h).
  19. I'd like to suggest change searching mechanism in PC for the one we currently have in pokedex. Writting whole name of some pokes is quite hard, when in dex few first letters are enought. :) Hope its possible to applay. Keep the good job.
  20. I have used baton pass on prankster ability Volbeat. It has no priority for this move. Any other I tested with this pokemon works well, with priority they should have. Just baton pass is bugged, should be +1 insteed of +0. Please take a look on it, because h.a. poke I have hardly hunt is uesless right now. edit: I tried it also on smogon XY, and baton pass has the priority there with prankster ability.
  21. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Terminator and Maribela (Sinnoh) ADDED! <t>terminator: 24k + 5 FS</t>
  22. 1. What's your PRO nickname & how old are you? wiedzmin93 = 24yo 2. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? 700 3. What is your ingame hobby? (farming, selling, pvp) pvp and bosses 4. Why would you like to be a Karp? ur hats looks cool ^^ 5. Are you able to visit our Discord server? yess! 6. Is English your primary/secondary language? 2nd
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