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Everything posted by Luohan

  1. I hope you remember about Mental Herbs addition while making such great reworks of all PvP/E/Coin stores. This is what the community needs.
  2. Doesn't it learn spikes? If so, it deserves ban!!!
  3. +1 but at first add mental herb to coin stores xd
  4. Each auction takes 48h after it's 1st offer. Each auction min bid = 50k 1. FERRO SOLD SO: 300k INSTA: 700k 2. NINETALES-ALOLA SO: 150k INSTA: 350k 3. DIGGERSBY SO: 200k INSTA; 500k 4. TYRANITAR SO: 400k BO:550K ENDS: 8:12 11TH ARP UTC+2 INSTA: 1m5 5. CRAWDAUNT SO: 100K INSTA: 250K 6. MACHAMP SO: 100K INSTA: 200K 7. KROOKODILE SO: 100K INSTA: 200K ----
  5. Quite a few +1s, so I hope there actually is some chance to see Mental Herbs around in PvE+PvP stores soon?
  6. 2-4 weekly is a joke for a single use item. Even includin 4-account farming.
  7. Why mental herbs are much harder to get than other herbs? We can't buy them for PvP/PvE coins, even herb sellers offers white and power herbs but not mental one in the stock. The idea is simple - to add Mental herb to PvP and PvE Coin Master, like the other herbs.
  8. looking for epic Marowak-Alola, must be brave and 28+ att, decent 15+ in defs/hp, low speed welcome ofc. only Rock Head ability and brave nature (please offer ada only if 01 speed)
  9. As mentioned in edited topic, sadly Im not able to reproduce this bug. Sorry for wasting your time, but as it happened to me twice in similar conditions, with all the history of pivot moves, it was quite possible to have some problem around it.
  10. Please take a closer look to volt swich/u-turn moves. I feel like using it twice in row (for example rotomW volt swich into gliscor, gliscor uturns = server crash). It happened to me at regular server ranked PvP, later I tried it on Test one and it immediately crashed as well. rotom used trick (scarf) then Volt Swiched gliscor used uturn = test server crashed. ^if u need more details feel free to ask or take a closer look for my accounts I have used on Test server (luohan and Piter05)
  11. If you swich servers, your rating stays at the one you made it at, its obvious and works well. Sadly, you can't get extra rewards for 100-200-300 wins at second server, neither for 5 weekly wins in the week you transfered. What do you think to change it, and allow to grab double rewards if someone do the rating on both servers?
  12. In my opinion, in this section the seller should be responsible for pokemon delivery to the buyer's server. In any other case, what's the difference from Gold/Silver section auctions? The buyer can make a bid being on any server, and then, he needs to pick up the pokemon from the server he made the bid for (in case he won, ofc). Gold/Silver - allow to bid anyone, but the buyer needs to go for it. Cross - if the seller decides to sell here, the seller needs to deliver it.
  13. It was said form remover will be added at the summer event end. There is not, or we missed some announcement? Also, would be much better if you make for future legendary events, the two part quest. 1st easier part to get a legend in its regular form, and the 2nd, extended quest for it's extra sprite for collectors. Not opposite.... Make their form somehow exclusive.
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