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Everything posted by Luohan

  1. Legends? Plz no! It's the only value your account really has.
  2. A small improvement to make WQ viable for some players who already got all legendaries and rest who were not lucky enough to find it on the Island. -not legendary pokemon holding a reroll ticket (rng: 50% nature, 25% iv, 25% ability capsule) -legends could hold a decent value item like master ball, choice, orb too. I'm sure you would like it.
  3. Once agin, r110 is cleared, I have killed thundurus lvl 100 2nd time. There was no NPC to kill anymore. East and North ruoutes are in Destroyed mode, caves are empty, there is no legendary pokemon or magma NPC. I need either to wait ~10 min in the cave or use escape rope to exit it. Jirachi still askes me if I need more time. PC healing doesn't reset anything. I haven't shown strong enough lighting rod pokemon to Jirachi yet.
  4. Well, imo this one was the best quest for a new legendary yet, without dumb lvl 30 battles and/or hidden parts. Mirror shards just could be tradable to make it perfect. Lighting rod and storm drain are repelable also, making it acceptable for me. Comparing it to 100 games + impossible 150 iv pokemon for 3rd of Bird Trio this quest is once again, amazing. Anyway I neither enjoy long quests. PS: i suggest to make ladder for 50 persons, cuz I struggle to hit it, then we can discuss legends for ladder users. xd
  5. After catching 2 of 3 new legends, I was hardly repelling for 3rd mon with right ability and IV's. When I finally came back to Jirachi, it said that my time is over, and I need to make a quest again. Sadly two caves are empty now (the one I already caught) and the only way to go back from destroyed routes was escape rope. After killing the 3rd legendary which stays in it's cave, quest doesn't ends. Also there is a small visual bug around my character - slightly darker clouds. Notice there is no more Tornadus to re-battle... Edit: after spending some time in the empty cave (5min around) the game says "We caught Tornadus!" and teleports me back to Jirachi, but it still didn't count as re-done part, and the Route is destroyed while visited again. PS: really nice quest! PS2: account moved to gold server
  6. In my opinion the rule we had yet (Speed or other stats only) was a really good idea and I would prefer to keep it as it was. There is not so much players using baton pass and seeing something else than rain, stall or rng based teams (scarf toge, 5x paralyse) is a nice thing. A small nerf for a speed baton pass teams would be a Lunar dance addition, making Trick Room teams more viable. I haven't seen any good TR team without a good lunar dance Creselia... Nevertheless, I like the 1-season test idea, and hope we can have more season like this with some specific rules, like a no-legendary season, scarf togekiss ban, season, no weather changing abilities season, etc. /off top: where are word quests gone?
  7. So, there is no hope to make the money and time I've invested for Ribombee well spent? Why did you even release such mon with no intention to fully code it in the nearest future? It's Caterpie's main ability too, that shows how far the game progress is. Simple example to show how its important. 1. sash ribombee Vs scarf toge: a) 40% to set up sticky web or QD istead of 100%; b) 40% to avoid flinch x 80% to stun spore = 32% instead of 80% you should have. 2. sash ribombee vs heatran a) bulky timid 252 SpA Ribombee Hidden Power Ground vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Heatran: 204-240 (52.8 - 62.1%) -- 98.4% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery b) calm 252 SpA Ribombee Hidden Power Ground vs. 252 HP / 176+ SpD Heatran: 156-188 (40.4 - 48.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery Meaning, if the magma storm 2nd dmg or lava plum burn won't break the sash, fast heatran dies in almost every scenario. Thanks for understanding how important this ability is. Thought releasing this mon may a little fix conk-scarf toge meta, but seems it's not.
  8. Why Trade Rules example explanation says something other? Jimmy was the first one who write insta on the forum. And how can you be sure what timezone Levi's timestamps are from? @Hawluchaa could you please refer to the cited regulations example? I don't blame Levu, its a rare and weird situation, but Trade Mod and the Trade Rules should say the same clear solution.
  9. Thanks for releasing new mons last time. Would be so cool if Ribombee's main ability Shield Dust could be coded soon. I'm quite disappointed it wasn't done yet, since Kommo's uniqe move were coded. It should prevent any 2nd effect of moves=no flinches, no status change from attacking moves, just main dmg from magma storm, no stat drops after moves like psychic or energy ball. I guess that's most important to make it OK. Please take a look at it! Or at least let it work as Inner Focus now (which is most important part of Shield Dust), that won't take a lot of time to implement im sure.
  10. so: 2m min rise: 150k insta 4m auciton time: 72h sice so. stab hp bug cc and rr welcome.
  11. two new for sell: 25% off possible magnezone hp fire: 600k sold volcarona hp ground: 600k
  12. The game is unplayable without this command. Fix it with priority please.
  13. accept: trade for calm hp fire one, similar IV, cc=400k, rr=600k insta buy mons only: (click it, then click to zoom it) including 404 spatt hp ground volcarona https://ibb.co/sH8y2YN SALE: get 25% off! if u order at least 5 of them (not affect amoonguss)
  14. RIBOMBEE any pvp-useful to consider :) JOLTEON timid, hp ice (31speed highy welcome) COFAGRIGUS quiet (modest), hp fight CRAWDAUNT brave VENUSAUR rash ha (no hp, 25+ iv) VENUSAUR modest ha hp fire WHIMSICOTT modest hp fire ha MANDIBUZZ impish/bold 25+ in defs, hp and speed. overcoat EXCADRILL jolly ha 31speed 26+ att CLEFABLE mg timid 31 speed 30spatt+ CLEFABLE mg bold 20+ hp ground TALONFLAME ha JOLLY 30speed min SERPERIOR hp fire - 26+speed only SERPERIOR hp ground - 31 speed welcome SHINY SHUCKLE +def or +spdef, STURDY
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