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Everything posted by Kaminokage

  1. Thanks for the information, i confirm the location : https://i.gyazo.com/cbce9a08cd243f0e500c9fe7e200f807.png We just need to find Sachet for Spritzee in that case, i will add it to the guide.
  2. Yes on the Update Logs : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/3146-url/?do=findComment&comment=713727 Eaty said : https://i.gyazo.com/6626c3775415c4cd8a558f0a30a9ab44.png But Aromatisse and Slurpuff don't appear in his lists of changes, so i don't know :/ Maybe the items are in Munchlax Resort, i didn't get there yet so i have no idea what to find xD Also, an Apprentice posted today : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/130827-url/?do=findComment&comment=718808 https://i.gyazo.com/e9dfed7cef1ba86805d7220bc73c5439.png According to him, the items are not available yet. But we don't know where he got this information.
  3. Yes, i still have the "?" on Safari. Hum... what are the 2 PKM on Evolved i don't have? I will suppose Aromatisse and Slurpuff, but i didn't find the items to evolve it yet o.o
  4. Update the 23th June 2019 : As announced with the new spawns, 5 PKM are now available : Vulpix-Alola,Ninetales-Alola, Sandshrew-Alola, Sandslash-Alola and Marowak-Alola : https://i.gyazo.com/a73041c4d9aa41b48a0ea18db2a93810.png According to @Waleed1301, the Ice Stone can be find with Lorelei, so i will suppose we can evolve Vulpix-Alola and Sandshrew-Alola, any of the users i know got an Ice Stone from her so i can't verify it : https://i.gyazo.com/8c962a709a56d714a0d9322ec72e6a82.png When the event was release, i wanted to know if we can have the dex entries with theses PKM, so i went catch a Marowak-Alola, my pokedex right before enter in Safari : https://i.gyazo.com/c03ebedb6a15a0c30156db0bfde79e47.png And after catching it, nothing changed on my pokedex (after relogging to update), so i supposed it wasn't on dex entries. But later, i fought Lorelei, and went to Safari Johto to catch a Vulpix-Alola; and when i checked Vulpix-Alola on Pokedex, i noticed something changed : https://i.gyazo.com/45b589974553e8d5a7ea802bba72876d.png I got +1 on Owned and +3 on Seen. It matches with Lorelei boss, i have seen Ninetales-Alola and Sandslash-Alola by fighting her (+2 Seen). And i caught a Vulpix-Alola (+1 Owned and +1 Seen) I was wondering if the dex entries were added later. So, i went catch a Sandshrew-Alola : https://i.gyazo.com/b5a805f39be51b50112fd9ea44f9575d.png And this time +1 Owned and +1 Seen. The last left was Marowak-Alola to catch again in case it wasn't recorded, but : https://i.gyazo.com/b414bec6b99a84baa49fc66d5b9a436f.png It seems Marowak-Alola isn't a dex entry when the 4 others are. Since Ninetales-Alola and Sandslash-Alola can be Seen, i will supposed by evolving it with an Ice Stone, we can have also the Owned and Evolved data. (If the Ice Stone is really available and works) With all theses informations, i will add theses 5 PKM to this guide. As the Alola PKM don't have dex number, i have created a new part : IX. Alola just for the Alola PKM. Added : New part : IX. Alola With : [iCODE]ID__[/iCODE] [iCODE]Name____________[/iCODE] [iCODE]OWNED__[/iCODE] [iCODE]SEEN___[/iCODE] [iCODE]EVOLVED[/iCODE] [iCODE]----[/iCODE] [iCODE]Vulpix-Alola____[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]_______[/iCODE] [iCODE]----[/iCODE] [iCODE]Ninetales-Alola_[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]----[/iCODE] [iCODE]Sandshrew-Alola_[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]_______[/iCODE] [iCODE]----[/iCODE] [iCODE]Sandslash-Alola_[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]----[/iCODE] [iCODE]Marowak-Alola___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___0___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___0___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___0___[/iCODE] Marowak-Alola added to X. Only unavailable. Maximum data passes from : [iCODE]Owned__[/iCODE][iCODE]693[/iCODE] [iCODE]Seen___[/iCODE][iCODE]721[/iCODE] [iCODE]Evolved[/iCODE][iCODE]353[/iCODE] To : [iCODE]Owned__[/iCODE][iCODE]697[/iCODE] [iCODE]Seen___[/iCODE][iCODE]725[/iCODE] [iCODE]Evolved[/iCODE][iCODE]355[/iCODE] 4 Owned with Vulpix-Alola, Ninetales-Alola, Sandshrew-Alola and Sandslash-Alola. 4 Seen with Vulpix-Alola, Ninetales-Alola, Sandshrew-Alola and Sandslash-Alola. 2 Evolved with Ninetales-Alola and Sandslash-Alola. I will change it if we can't evolve Vulpix-Alola and Sandshrew-Alola.
  5. As i know the items to evolve them are still missing, so they can't be evolved yet. Except if there is an other way to evolve them. Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Kyogre and Groundon were available in Owned Data with the Mini-Boss. I don't know if it still works. But since it was available for regular players, some players still have it on the Pokedex and i keep it on the guide. Exactly the same case than Darkrai. It's up to Staff to make it available again for all players if it's not the case anymore. Concerning Victini, the Seen data is on Suspicious Boss.
  6. SERVER TRANSFER Username: Kaminokage Server to charge the money from: Silver Main Server to transfer: Silver to Gold SERVER TRANSFER Username: Grkftw Server to charge the money from: Silver Main Server to transfer: Silver to Gold SERVER TRANSFER Username: Grkami Server to charge the money from: Silver Main Server to transfer: Silver to Gold
  7. Update the 29th April 2019 : Shaymin is now catchable: https://i.gyazo.com/10ac49ab24b7a710196e5dfd149b4d2b.png Owned data is available for Shaymin now : [iCODE]0492[/iCODE] [iCODE]Shaymin_________[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]_______[/iCODE] So, it was removed from : IX. Only unavailable And the new max datas are : [iCODE]Owned__[/iCODE][iCODE]693[/iCODE] [iCODE]Seen___[/iCODE][iCODE]721[/iCODE] [iCODE]Evolved[/iCODE][iCODE]353[/iCODE] Clarification : Shaymin-Sky is a form (like Rotom), so it doesn't have Evolved Data.
  8. Good bye, see you in 2 weeks :)
  9. In-Game Name: Kaminokage Discord Tag: Kaminokage#9778 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Everyday. What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? None.
  10. Salut badsolute, je vais être très franc avec toi, voir même plutôt froid. Le jeu Pokemon Revolution Online est un fangame anglophone réalisé par des bénévoles, en aucun cas le jeu n'a été ciblé pour des français-belges-etc. Le jeu a été fait pour des anglais à la base. Lorsque tu as décidé de t'inscrire sur le jeu, tu as accepté les règles du jeu (par défaut tu n'as pas le droit de jouer au jeu sans connaître et respecter les règles). C'est donc à toi de faire l'effort de comprendre les règles du jeu. C'est la toute première règle des termes et conditions (que tu as accepté en t'inscrivant) : https://pokemonrevolution.net/terms-and-conditions Tu noteras que le site principal du jeu a été traduit dans 7 langues différentes, ces langues sont celles les plus utilisées par la communauté. Le staff a bien conscience que la communauté vient du monde entier avec différentes langues, donc a décidé de traduire au moins le site principal dans certaines langues. Malheureusement, beaucoup de langues ont été oubliées (le français est loin d'être la seule langue existante, c'est même plutôt une minorité). J'ai fait partie de l'équipe de traduction du site (je ne suis qu'un simple joueur, pas membre du staff), je n'ai pas le nombre exact de personnes ayant participées à la traduction, mais pour juste le site il a fallu plusieurs mois pour tout traduire correctement en évitant un maximum d'erreur (et je pense qu'il doit en rester des minimes). Beaucoup de termes ont de multiples sens, et la traduction peut être parfois vraiment compliquée, un exemple très parlant : Dans les termes et conditions, le terme materials en anglais a été traduit par la première équipe de traduction en français par matériels, cela parait banal, mais en anglais le terme materials prends en compte les hardwares mais aussi les softwares, alors qu'en français matériels pour des softwares n'est clairement pas assez précis. Il a donc fallu trouver des termes pour être bien plus prècis. Ce n'est qu'un exemple parmi tant d'autres pour exprimer la difficulté de traduction, les mots ont plusieurs sens dans les différentes langues, et à peu près personne dans l'équipe de traduction n'est un spécialiste du domaine. La majorité des membres de l'équipe du staff et des joueurs qui les aident temporairement sont loin d'être des experts dans les domaines sur lesquels ils vont intervenir. Donc cela prend énormément de temps pour des traductions. Si le staff veut traduire les règles du PVP plus spécifiquement, ils doivent réunir des équipes entières de joueurs venant de communautés différentes pour traduire sur différentes langues. Sachant qu'à chaque modification, il faut que chaque langue soit modifiée, il a de fortes chances que les traducteurs aient arrêtés de jouer entre temps, donc la maintenance sur la traduction n'est pas fiable. Ces raisons mènent le staff à être en incapacité de traduire juste pour les langues principales utilisées par la communauté. Des centaines de langues ont été oubliés pour la traduction du site par exemple. Comme dit au dessus, ça c'est ton problème de le respecter. Si tu commets des infractions, tu seras punis. Ce que tu dois retenir, c'est que le jeu est anglophone, en aucun cas il a été destiné aux français-belges, c'est toi qui a prit la décision de venir quand même sur le jeu. C'est donc à toi de faire l'effort de traduire. Heureusement, pour t'aider de nombreux joueurs sont impliqués dans le jeu et aident les nouveaux, c'est à toi de trouver la communauté (guilde) qui t'acceptera pour t'aider. Ton comportement va fortement affecter comment la communauté va vouloir t'aider ou non, retiens-le ;) Cordialement, Kaminokage
  11. Trade done :) https://i.gyazo.com/ff90730fdc8922be6a335334b817a1c3.png
  12. I like this idea. I am not an huge fan of a bug catching 2.0 with fish catching, because it's not relevant to have the same daily quest; but it can be adapted to something similar. Player don't use Fishing a lot, so a daily quest with Fishing is nice.
  13. I buy insta 2m. https://i.gyazo.com/67018f82f8ff7d1cf3260a2da3924d8c.png
  14. For Legendary, we can also have Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/95480-url/?do=findComment&comment=667546 Confirmed by @commotion1 : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/95480-url/?do=findComment&comment=669588
  15. Update the 03th March 2019 : Thanks @NamelessHero27 , i didn't do new bosses, so i didn't see it yet :) Sharmin and Victine have now Seen data. [iCODE]0492[/iCODE] [iCODE]Shaymin_________[/iCODE] [iCODE]___0___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]_______[/iCODE] [iCODE]0494[/iCODE] [iCODE]Victini_________[/iCODE] [iCODE]___0___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___1___[/iCODE] [iCODE]_______[/iCODE] And Max data modified to : [iCODE]Owned__[/iCODE][iCODE]692[/iCODE] [iCODE]Seen___[/iCODE][iCODE]721[/iCODE] [iCODE]Evolved[/iCODE][iCODE]353[/iCODE] Concerning Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf, @commotion1 on Gold got an Azelf on the Island :) https://i.gyazo.com/ea66dc44126c0ed769c4c9a787461628.png It has Explosion on his moveset, so the Master Ball might be needed :')
  16. For Max seen, do you know the 2 last not in that list? According to my dex, the 2 missing for G1-G6 are : 492 Shaymin and 494 Victini I don't remember a boss or a quest to seen them. For the G4 Trio on Birth Island, according to this message : Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf are on the legendary trios, so they should appear. I admit i prefer to see if some players got it or not.
  17. https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/95474-url We had Mini-bosses to have the Owned Data for this Pokemon. I don't know if it's still available, i have heard it's not. But since it was available for players during some times, like Darkrai, i let it on the list. It might be on a Boss or NPC during event, i don't remember which one.
  18. Update the 27th February 2019 : In the changelog 23.2.2019: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/3146-url/?do=findComment&comment=666376 It means now, we can have Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias, Latios, Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf. Without having to pick one of them only. It add in total 5 new owned datas on Pokedex. So, i deleted my commentaries, it is not needed anymore. And in fact, i didn't like this way to present it, but i didn't see any other way when i did that guide. It was confusing, but it's good that now we can have all (even if it stays hard :) ) So, now all theses legendaries have a 1 in the owned data instead of 0 : And i deleted theses legendaries from : The new max data is : [iCODE]Owned__[/iCODE][iCODE]692[/iCODE] [iCODE]Seen___[/iCODE][iCODE]719[/iCODE] [iCODE]Evolved[/iCODE][iCODE]353[/iCODE] If you notice some errors on that guide, please tell me. I might miss some update sometimes :) Edit : [iCODE]0494[/iCODE] [iCODE]Victini_________[/iCODE] [iCODE]___0___[/iCODE] [iCODE]___0___[/iCODE] [iCODE]_______[/iCODE] Victini was on G4 part instead of G5, thanks to @Giorgio25 to tell me :)
  19. The EV training is actually pretty good compared to before. Now, the Safari Effort Wald gives 6 EV per PKM (with Macho Brace). I have to remind it's possible to EV train 2 PKM in same time by switching the PKM. So, i will explain what i do to train my PKM. When i have around 20 PKM to train : Go to Cerulean Cave, and train the PKM lv 60 (you need to have good level to tank damages for the next part). Remove the useless EV with berries. Take 6 Macho Brace and 6 PKM with same EV to train. Take the Safari Pass 24 hours for 50k. Go in the right Area for EV, and when you fight a Wild PKM, you switch your PKM one by one (the 6 PKM will gain 6 EV each for each fight). Enjoy because easy game. With some Fresh Water (just some because you are lv 60), you can do 700 EV per run of Safari. It's even possible to do more. This method needs to have Berries to remove EV (not very hard to find, around 2 berries per PKM), some Fresh Water or Sitrus Berries (not very hard to find), 6 Macho Brace (i have more than 20 Macho Brace with the Digs Spots xD), PKM with same EV to train (it's why i wait around 20 PKM to train before doing it), and a free day to have the time to do it. In final, for 1 Safari Pass, it usually takes me 5 hours to EV train 20 PKM. 510*20/700/3 = 4,85 hours. However, this method is hard for ATK and HP because of Victreebel and Lickilicky : Victreebel (he learn Wrap at lv 13 and spawns lv 15-19) , same for Lickilicky (learn Wrap lv 15). I posted here : https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/pok%C3%A9mon-spawn-related-suggestions-feedback-requests.97809/page-33#post-612977 Because of this, I do "only" 550 EV ATK per run, and for HP didn't check exactly, but a little more. With this suggestion, it makes this method even stronger, can be able to do 1400 EV per run of Safari. For 5 hours, it might be possible to EV train 40 PKM. The EV training would become very very easy compared to the difficulty to collect 40 PKM to train.
  20. Just checked ingame with Manaphy since it's available now: Manaphy is lv 30 with 290910 exp to pass lv 31, so its his base exp is 215. It's the same Base Exp than the PRO Wiki, so all is fine. Update : - Added Manaphy Base Exp : [iCODE]490____________[/iCODE] [iCODE]Manaphy________[/iCODE] [iCODE]____________215[/iCODE]
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