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Everything posted by Alaris

  1. Welcome to the forums caveman5858!, Good to have you.
  2. meaning i will submit it to the ppl who can actually fix it. Have you submitted this already? Just found out in a PVP match that this is bugged and almost lost the match due to it. 5 months have passed since this was brought to the attention.. Yes I personally made a video with a GM regarding the weather bugs, we are aware.
  3. Welcome to PRO!! Tyrandin, GL.
  4. Welcome back, khoishadow
  5. Welcome to PRO JakedZiti!!!!
  6. Welcome to PRO MaidKitty!
  7. I am unaware that any "honey" item exists in PRO, so the ability is not coded.
  8. Your topic has been moved to the appropriate subforum, as you are selling less than 5 pokemon.
  9. the mask shown on the OP
  10. Welcome back kiritousui11!
  11. Welcome Dawson!
  12. Re: some nub trying to introduce himself :x <t>Welcome to PRO JunoKun!</t>
  13. Welcome to PRO MiracleBoy!
  14. Welcome to Forums, OlmosDog .
  15. Welcome to PRO, Zooroark.
  16. Welcome back, Houw!
  17. Welcome to PRO , RockyJoe. GL!
  18. :Shocked: :Shocked: GL Blue Server you will need it, jk :Heart:
  19. Re: Sell Epic Lucario/Mamos/Thick Fat(Adamants) :3 <r><QUOTE author="Leoxa" post_id="389201" time="1495575643" user_id="72704"><s> </e></QUOTE> closed per request</r>
  20. Welcome to PRO Bk1689!
  21. Welcome to PRO cruzzer!
  22. Good to have you here!
  23. Good to have you back, czepolly. ;)
  24. Welcome to PRO Irisgorter hope you enjoy your time!
  25. Welcome to PRO! R2ldark
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