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Everything posted by Frux

  1. Frux

    Quest Notebook

    This is interesting, soon there will be more quest that'll be introduced. This will be a greatly help. However, this might be means current quests[npc scripts] need to be 'slightly' reworked in order for them to display or list the requirements needed to be complied.
  2. This is always never a bad idea. I always loved this feature in og games. It just impractical in our current game.
  3. Get your image's share link: Inserting the link: Step 1: Toggle BB code Step 2: Paste your copied link Step 3: Trim the link, and insert ...And it's done!
  4. Looking forward for your return. Best of luck to you, Thor.
  5. Frux

    My Maps

    It's quite a long time since the latest map. Another random route popped \(^o^)/
  6. Frux

    Event pika

    as far as I know, you can find the Halloween pika on any map that spawns a pikachu. With a chance of 1/20 pikachu. Same as clone event most likely.
  7. Heres my doodle xD Goodluck to everyone!
  8. You can download this pack publicize by them for the aspiring mappers, PROBasicMapping
  9. Nice style
  10. Frux


    try this one on layering
  11. We'll I like one with hypercutter just to prevent any atk loss -- e.g., intimidate. Good luck with your list. Yup, better be. But I strive to make it 1vs5. No idea (maybe luck), but his lugia rarely OHKO the gliscor whenever I fought him. Bottomline, its obviously an ancient post. :Crazy: Bosses' team/s are most likely nerfed.
  12. Re: C O C K T A I L B A R {Red server} <t>Allahuakbur! Best of luck brod.</t>
  13. Hey thats an overwhelming map for a first time. Well done :[
  14. Welcome aboard !
  15. its no difference on making it available via coins/poke$
  16. Will go for proniko. Simplicity, efficiency and loads faster than pro ( based on my cancerous network )
  17. Got this idea from a certain mmo where they take suggestions from the community for a single design of armor/clothing. The newly added clothing designs are well done :y:. As to be more interactive connections between staffs and players, I would like to suggest a monthly/annual clothing design contest. This may also be a good a way to exercise and enhance more of our beloved artist's ability. :wink: Players and alike are able to suggest and make their own design of clothing which will be judged by either Artists or by community. After a winner will be picked and successfully made the clothing available in-game by artists/Shane, the clothing itself will be available for a month or so until another contest will be held. Thus it will also be removed from the market (making it RARE!) when another design will come in. Ofc, the winner has his for free --- imagine the bragging rights while wearing those rare and unobtainable costume >:) So, we may be expecting an active Trade channel with various things to sell other than pokemon and ms alike. Should it be purchasable via coins or poke$? maybe both? This unfortunately might take a client update upon adding a new design.
  18. Well pinkan island is a permanent one which is added recently while vulcan island is one of the seasonal areas.
  19. Nice, why not include inventory and pokedex :wink:
  20. As far as I know, current PVP system can't or does not cater Double battles. Perhaps they're still currently working on how to implement it as its one of the main features introduced in Gen3.
  21. Welcome to the community! Nice squirtle ;) Best of luck on your adventure!
  22. Try the pre-evo move tutor at daycare center. Might aswell prepare 10k for its payment.
  23. Repel trick should not be embraced upto the point where you'll have to remove its disadvantages--e.g., less chance for shiny.
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