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Everything posted by Pitroipa

  1. +1 for your suggestion.
  2. 100k
  3. 6m for excadrill
  4. 5m for excadrill
  5. 4m for excadrill
  6. Startbid is 1k minimum raise +20k Insta: 750k auction goes 4 days after first bid. Accept cc (400k each) good luck
  7. c.o 450k by @Germarc
  8. bump we have some space now. Check our details and requirements to join us.
  9. c.o 420k by @Hugopbf
  10. highest offer atm is 400k
  11. c.o 400k now
  12. c.o 310k
  13. Quick reminder: Auction ends on 3:49 pm cest (in 2 hours and 46 minutes)
  14. c.o 260k
  15. c.o 250k now
  16. bump
  17. c.o 130k by @Th0maszz
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