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Everything posted by Grandwarden

  1. Welcome to PRO :) You are welcome to join Cocktail Bar. Here is our guild's thread -https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=77472. First, please read the first post on that topic made by Xapoman.
  2. Hello. For players from Brazil, the event will start at 7:00 PM on January 27th according to BRT. Good luck :)
  3. If the solutions mentioned above don't help you, you can try these steps mentioned by Shamac: Good luck :)
  4. Hello :Smile: Please try the following solutions which may help you with your issue. Good luck :)
  5. Nice idea. But I think it'll not make little sense. As cinnabar mansion is a building. And using mounts inside buildings is kinda weird. However +1
  6. Olá! Na verdade, você tocou seu tópico em um subforum errado. Se você precisar de suporte, faça um tópico no "GENERAL SUPPORT" sub fórum. Este é um subforum feito para jogadores que procuram uma aliança. O erro que você mencionou é um bug de conhecimento. Não há notícias sobre quando será corrigido. É um erro de unidade, então todos nós estamos aguardando que esse bug seja corrigido. Enquanto isso, você pode tentar essas soluções mencionadas pelo vermelho. Se esta solução não funcionar, você terá que aguardar a próxima atualização do cliente Em termos simples, comece a mudar sua resolução, começando com uma resolução mais baixa e trabalhando até uma maior, até ficar satisfeito com o resultado. Se uma resolução particular lhe der um erro, você terá que selecionar uma diferente. Good luck mate :y:
  7. Hello mate :Smile: Firstly, "Suggestions" is a sub-forum which is created for the players who want to share some new ideas which they want to be implemented in-game. You posted your opinion on the correct subforum. Coming to your suggestion, I think this is not going to be implemented in PRO. Lending and borrowing Pokemons is a very good way of meeting and making new friends. This way, we can get know others. Before lending, everyone are scared that what if the borrower steals their Pokemon. To avoid these type of scams, the lender has to take screenshots of the trade and the full conversation. If the borrower steals their Pokemon, they can made a topic in the Report Centre and show the evidence. This way the user will be punished and the Pokemon will be returned to its user safely. Also, before making a suggestion, read this topic. Shamac had mentioned something similar to your topic in the non negotiable suggestions. He had mentioned that 'Trade NPCs' won't be added: These are just my opinions. Good luck with your journey :)
  8. No ETA on that. Have some patience. It is a unity bug and all are waiting for it to be fixed. Meanwhile, why don't you play on Android? :Smile:
  9. Hallo :Smile: Du bist immer willkommen, unserer Cocktail Bar beizutreten. Eine Hauptsache, du musst cool sein und freundlich sein. Hier ist der rote Faden unserer Zunft- https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=77472 Lies den ersten Beitrag von Xapoman und bewirb dich. Viel Glück
  10. Hello, please try the steps mentioned below: Good luck :Smile:
  11. I am not sure about that. But, I think it is because your current account is not activated. First, activate your account and try again.
  12. Hey there :Smile: I don't think staff might be able to help you in getting your account back if you don't remember any details. To check the accounts that are created on pro, click this link. It is a very long list. So, it might be difficult for you to search your username. Or if you remember some statistics like joined date etc., make a post in the General Complaint Area sub forum and staff may help you there privately. I hope I could help you. Good luck :)
  13. It would be good if you mention your solution here. As if anyone else gets the same problem. He might be able to solve it. Good luck :)
  14. You just mistook the two pokeballs. It is not a bug. The pokeball you were referring to is the number of Pokemons our opponent has. If it's a wild Pokemon, it will show only one pokeball. The pokeball symbol which is small and is on the right side of the Pokemon's name shows whether you have caught it or not. Good luck :)
  15. It's the buyer's wish. He can or not buy it. Still, if someone PMs you, ask him if he can guarantee to buy you Mon. This is, not a good idea, but just my opinion. Gl
  16. +1. The command should be like /block <username >. Good idea
  17. This is a good way to avoid those things:- Type like this in trade chat: Just my opinions. Good luck
  18. Hello guys :Smile: I am a very new player to red server. I am actually a player of yellow server but now I have started red as I finished Sinnoh, teleportation quest and subway quest on yellow. My IGN:-GrandWarden Red hours:-14 Yellow hours:-146 Why I want to join:- I just want to make new friends and help others. I also want to have fun. Good luck guys :) and ty
  19. I did not say that the shiny has to be 100 level. I just said that it would be good to have a shiny tournament instead of a shiny ladder. Like that, many players will show thrash shinies. Or a tournament can be conducted where the winners are chosen by the qualities like rarity, nature, ability and IVs.
  20. Not a bad idea. But I would recommend a tournament more than a ladder. Like the top 25 winners of the tournament get prizes. It can be of two ways, one is the tounament of most number shinies and the other one is player battle with players with a shiny team and the top 25 get prizes. And this tournament should be held once in a year. No offense against your suggestion. Just my opinion. Good luck :Smile: :Sing:
  21. A warm welcome to all of the players of this wonderful game called Pokemon Revolution Online. :Smile: I am here to introduce my newly opened Daycare service shop. So, let's get to the topic. WARDEN'S DAYCARE CLINIC Terms and conditions :- HOW TO BUY THE SERVICE? There are two methods, one is make a post here with the following deatils:- 1.Screenshot of the Pokemon. 2. IGN (or) Pm me on discord with the details mentioned above. Have a wonderful day all :Heart:
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