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Everything posted by Grandwarden

  1. Re: How to beat EVERY BOSS with the least amount of pokemon <r>Great guide. Keep up the good work <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  2. But it would be good if they have anything else other than Pokemons as third time rewards. Or pokemons which are not catchable in game. Don't you think the reward pokemons you've kept too common for boss rewards. Good luck :)
  3. Sorry, I accidentally posted this in the wrong sub forum. Please move this to Battle system bugs if any Moderator is free.
  4. Yeah. For the idea +1 from me too.
  5. Hey there :Smile: First, make sure you know the ID of your Pokemon or you have a Screenshot of the incident. Then, make a post here. If you don't have an evidence, I am afraid you lost your Bleroom forever. Good luck and be more careful :)
  6. Hey there! Check out my answer I posted over . However, I want to add one more statement to my post in that topic. If you have joined PRO's discord server, you can check it out there. All you have to do is type the quoted words:- If you haven't joined PRO's discord. Here is an invite link: Download discord, create an account and join the discord server. Good luck :)
  7. I'm unsure of what your question entails. Could you be a bit more specific? :Angel: If there was more Chat commands. But Its okej Giorgio25 already send a link. Thanks both of you. Oh just One more thing.. Is there a way to see when a Pokemon evolve in the game? If not? Is there a guide that I can look at. Thanks. Hello, As far as I know, the evolutionary chart is the same as the one that Bulbapedia shows. But I am not sure. Here is a link to all of the Pokemons. If you want to know on which level a certain Pokemon evolves, search for the Pokemon in the list and click on it. Then, choose game data and scroll down and you will find the information you need. However, there is one more way. Check out PRO's Pokedex and search for the next form of the Pokemon of which you want to see the evolutionary details. For example, if you see the details of ivysaur, it will show that Bulbasaur evolves to Ivysaur at level 16. I hope I could help you. Good luck :)
  8. I am not sure if this is a bug. But thought of reporting it. Sorry, but I don't have a screenshot evidence of this bug, but if you want, I will go there and take an SS. So, while a wild Pokemon appears to battle with us. The background of the battle screen will be filled with greenery if we encounter the wild Pokemon in grass. The background will be of rocks and mountains if we encounter the wild Pokemon in caves and MTs. As far as I know, MT. Coronet is a mountain. So, the battle screen background should have had rocks and mountains, but it has grass and trees. Again, I apologize if this is not a bug. Thank you
  9. Officer Jenny in Viridian city <r>Hello <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> <br/> So, the NPC of officer Jenny does a small mistake in her dialogue. After we agree to do the Rattata quest, at last, she says "EXCELENT"<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/yx8ZVgc.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> It should've been "EXCELLENT". Just a small bug, thought of reporting it. <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  10. I don't think this can be defined as a bug. The appropriate word to define your statements is "ADVANTAGE". I think this is an advantage and not a bug. These were just my opinions. Good luck.
  11. It maybe implemented. I Wonder what type of quest would be there to catch Keldeo. The quest may include Terrakion ,Cobalion and Virizion. Good luck :Smile:
  12. All the best with everything :Smile: Farewell friend :Sing:
  13. Hello mjh6027 :Smile: Actually, if you want to make a suggestion, you should post your topics in the Suggestions sub forum as this sub forum is appropriate for that. The suggestion you are making is impossible. Senior Admin, Shamac, had already mentioned that translating the whole story line will never be possible, but menus and options can be translated. In the words of Shamac:- These were my opinions. Good luck with your journey :Smile:
  14. As it was clearly mentioned by the NPC, your money can't be refunded I think. Before, clicking yes, you should've decided whether to teach or not or if you thought you don't want to remove other moves, you should've first checked your graveler's move set. Good luck :Smile:
  15. This is being worked on. All you have to do is have patience. You can check this thread which will tell you about making a suggestion, suggestions that are being worked on and suggestions that won't be implemented. Good luck
  16. Hello :Angel: Let me tell you that, if you minimize your screen or answer and speak on a call for more than 7 minutes, you will be kicked out from the, server. Good luck
  17. Re: [The Nabs] 5° Torneo Interno > Grupos Huevo <t>Good luck all :)</t>
  18. Hello :Angel: The red server had crashed, so you might have experienced that problem. But now, they are back, so enjoy. Also, the forum rules say:- Good luck :)
  19. NOTICE:- Before downloading the new version, make sure you deleted each and every file connected to PRO. Then, download the new version again
  20. Hey guys :Angel: I am not sure, if this would help, but try these steps:- Try these steps. Good luck folks
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