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Everything posted by Cames

  1. - Azelf - Bulbasaur - Snorlax
  2. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Walrosskastanie Friendliest: Imhanjoo Funniest: FastedCorsi Coolest: Envymeister Comeback Player of the Year: Mehmetcan Most Talkative: Waleed1301 Most Trustworthy: iriztha Most Helpful: Waleed1301 Most Missed: Gambilicious Most Influential: Exclusive Most Intriguing: Mamathieu Most Experienced Player: Namelesshero27 Best/Funniest Username: Password Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301 Most Professional Discord Moderator: pokehuntress STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Aspheric Best Artist: YuiFelwood Best Content Scripter: Yamette Best Community Coordinator: Shinohara Best Moderator: Mutantnair Best Trade Moderator: Salt Best Game Master: Menrva Best Admin: Red Best Developer: Eaty Best Staff Username: HappyMango Most Professional Staff: Logan Most Dedicated Staff: Shinohara Funniest Staff: Tempa Friendliest Staff: HappyMango Most Honorable Former Staff: Arkos Most Missed Former Staff: Fluffles
  3. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Walrosskastanie Friendliest: Burdy Funniest: NamelessHero27 Coolest: Cyber54 Comeback Player of the Year: BuyShinyNair Most Talkative: Turles Most Trustworthy: Dakivid Most Helpful: Haneroze Most Missed: Jaeco Most Influential: Strategist Most Intriguing: Revelion Most Experienced Player: KaminoKage Best/Funniest Username: Ciecaring Most Professional Guide Maker: Dakivid Most Professional Discord Moderator: Keita STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: Aeolus Best Community Coordinator: Fluffles Best Moderator: Waren Best Trade Moderator: Salt Best Game Master: Letrix Best Admin: Shaui Best Staff Username: BeserkerOp Most Professional Staff: Fluffles Most Dedicated Staff: Q8 Funniest Staff: Armin Friendliest Staff: Fluffles Most Honorable Former Staff: Arkos Most Missed Former Staff: Suhu
  4. IGN: Cames Current rating: 0 Season you were on ladder: May 2017 Vote: Remove this rule Reason: Back when the rule wasn't there and only a couple of players had high rating accounts. It's way easier to test teams when you already have your main account on the ladder.
  5. Welcome back, Glad to see you back
  6. Farewell Cobramk. I'll miss you!
  7. Vote: Yes Reason: PVP becomes more competitive and less RNG because you can check all threats Current Rating: Ladder May 2017
  8. I tried to arrange a battle against traineryash. https://reborn.reborn-bot.com/d342586c5822.png Private chat #silver-group-b chat in discord,
  9. Cames vs Jadontombs - Cames won
  10. Group Phase: Sieg vs Cames - Cames lost Eltyy vs. Cames - Cames lost
  11. Hello, I would like to join the tournament. Trainer-Card: https://reborn.reborn-bot.com/4242d1ca5b1c.png Team: Imgur Timezone: GMT +2 Thank you
  12. @Aiberty check your pms
  13. bump for the guild with the best leader in pro
  14. Hey @ZoroDGod , @zigeunerus and @mulumunino0210 check your pms:ChristmasBulba:
  15. Hey @AizenDex and @lluuqqz , check you pms
  16. Hey @UpvExChallenger and @Ykcor , check your pms
  17. @muhamedreda and @Ryanrix1991 , check your pmbox
  18. @zuro3 Check your pmbox
  19. @Kirames Check your pmbox
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