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Posts posted by Tr3y

  1. 346025


    i mean at least show pokemons ivs becuz pro is not like showdown u can have 6*31 ivs or whatever you want

    showing pokemon ivs is important to make pvp fair

    ex. you know ur opponent run ada/talonflame and you run ada/talonflame too

    both of you invest 252 on speed but how do you know if you can outspeed it or not ?

    if both talonflame have 31 speed, that's a 50-50

    but not every one's talonflame speed iv is the same


    This is how it's supposed to look, you don't make any sense buddy...

    i just want to make pvp fair like the authority said :Shy:

    knowing ivs will make pvp more fair

    No it wouldn't... at all xD. Well this probably won't get implemented either way so I'll just leave it at that.

  2. 346022


    not like showdown, pokemons in pro are not all 6*31, so i think showing stats is important to make pvp fair

    ??? What? You're making no sense. Why would our ivs, evs, and abilities be shown. It's up to your experience and knowledge of the PvP metagame to determine your opponent's spreads. The only thing that needs to be shown is the pokemon lol...


    i mean at least show pokemons ivs becuz pro is not like showdown u can have 6*31 ivs or whatever you want

    showing pokemon ivs is important to make pvp fair

    ex. you know ur opponent run ada/talonflame and you run ada/talonflame too

    both of you invest 252 on speed but how do you know if you can outspeed it or not ?

    if both talonflame have 31 speed, that's a 50-50

    but not every one's talonflame speed iv is the same


    This is how it's supposed to look, you don't make any sense buddy...

  3. 346013
    346006 show abilities, natures, evs investment. ivs , holding items and moves of each pokemons at the same time


    that will be more competitive and fair :Shy:

    Only showing the pokemon and if they are holding an item or not is enough. The competitive part about it is when you try to predict the sets of the pokemon in front of you based on the team that surrounds it. Predicting the opponent's lead is what makes it competitive as well.


    not like showdown, pokemons in pro are not all 6*31, so i think showing stats is important to make pvp fair

    ??? What? You're making no sense. Why would our ivs, evs, and abilities be shown. It's up to your experience and knowledge of the PvP metagame to determine your opponent's spreads. The only thing that needs to be shown is the pokemon lol...

  4. 346006 show abilities, natures, evs investment. ivs , holding items and moves of each pokemons at the same time


    that will be more competitive and fair :Shy:

    Only showing the pokemon and if they are holding an item or not is enough. The competitive part about it is when you try to predict the sets of the pokemon in front of you based on the team that surrounds it. Predicting the opponent's lead is what makes it competitive as well.

  5. I already suggested this and it got ignored so I guess I'll put my faith in this one. It shouldn't really matter if people agree with this feature or not because it's part of the Gen 5 and Gen 6 mechanics. When you play in PvP matches there is always team preview which is why I consider this game a Gen 4/5 game rather than Gen 6. So once again... I agree with this 100%. I don't take my PvP matches serious without this feature being in the game. If you want to read up on how beneficial this would be to the game then just read my post.

  6. After so many battles I can 100% honestly say that the freeze chance on Ice Punch, Ice Fang, and Ice Beam is not 10%. Every battle I get frozen by these moves and I must say it is very frustrating to play around. I've been playing PS (Pokemon Showdown) and the handhelds for years and I've never had a point during that time at which I got frozen consecutively battle after battle. I even tested the move 300 times in my free time with an alternate account. It was just above 60 times where my pokemon got frozen. 60/300 = 0.2 If want to get a percentage you multiply that by 100 and you get 20%. So either freeze is actually 20%, more than 20%, or there is a bug that causes these moves' secondary effect to activate more frequent than others... I don't know. I wouldn't be reporting this if I wasn't sure. I was going to report this weeks ago but I decided against it so I could keep testing but now I am positively certain it is bugged. Thanks for reading.

  7. I'd probably use Leftovers instead of Lum Berry on Excadrill since you're relying on it for spin support. Life Orb on Clefable is only good on Modest 3 attack sets. Always use Leftovers when using Thunder Wave Calm Mind. I also always prefer Acrobatics on Talonflame if you're running it on a sand team. The combination of Brave Bird recoil and Sand Stream damage racks up and limits Talonflame's opportunity to sweep. I also recommend you remove Stealth Rock on Celebi and put it on Tyranitar. Thunder Wave is also not needed as it is on Clefable. And Clefable typically stays alive for the whole game so it will have plenty of opportunity to Thunder Wave the opposing team rendering it useless on Celebi. I recommend Leech Seed as it allows you to outstall pokemon such as Blissey if it comes down to it. Psychic can also be used seeing that Breloom pretty much blows through your team once Talonflame is dead (which most likely will happen if you keep Brave Bird on the set). You should also check the Hidden Power on that Celebi. If you're lucky you have HP Fire. I also think Dark Pulse is a bit better on Tyranitar as well in the current metagame because it'll allow you to still beat Slowbro and Defensive Starmie even through Scald Burns. The other pokemon that Crunch handles well is Gengar but Dark Pulse OHKOs that as well. Careful SD Gliscor also can sweep this team after a boost so you may want to consider Ice Coverage on a pokemon other than Tyranitar. After all of those changes the team is solid to me. ^^

  8. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.9


    <r><QUOTE author="Water01"><s>

    </s><POST content="342169"><s></s>342169<e></e></POST> Guys what's your opinion about Metagross lead in this game?<e>

    It's decent. I usually don't prefer it but I've seen it on some successful teams.</r>

  9. 340384 Isn't HJK supposed to cause crash damage if used on a protecting opponent?

    It's the order in which things happened is screwed up. And it is not supposed to take Iron Barbs damage is what I was getting at mostly. Idk I just felt like 2 videos would better support my claim xD.

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