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Posts posted by Tr3y

  1. 340240
    338740 Edit: I also just faced a Talonflame against my Ferrothorn. I used Protect while the Talonflame used Flare Blitz and as a result the Talonflame took Recoil damage and Iron Barbs damage. This should not happen.


    So it lost like half of its hp lol?


    If that's the case, Protect on Ferrothorn should probably get banned =/ (or maybe just Protect in general)

    It could ruin the tournament afterall.

    Yea I already suggested it in the PvP rules thread but nobody responded yet.

  2. I suggest we make the use of Protect on Ferrothorn bannable for the time being. I used it on Ferrothorn a bit more today and it can make or break a game due to pokemon still taking Iron Barbs damage through Protect.

  3. On PRO, when you rapid spin on a Ferrothorn then die from Iron Barbs damage, the hazards on your side of the field are removed. This should not happen. When pokemon pull off a suicide rapid spin, the pokemon should die before the hazards are removed.



    1. Pokemon uses Rapid Spin

    2. Hazards are removed

    3. Pokemon dies to residual damage


    How it should be

    1. Pokemon uses Rapid Spin

    2. Pokemon dies to residual damage

    3. Hazards are not removed because the pokemon has died from residual damage

  4. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.9


    <t>-Poliwrath Added to A- <br/>

    -Blaziken Added to A<br/>


    I decided to experiment with Poliwrath myself after reading the discussion and it has proven itself to be probably one of the best, if not, the best counter to Weavile and Bisharp in the game. Like Shewas18 has stated, with access to Circle Throw and a Water/Fighting typing, it can check both of these mons indefinitely. It switches in every time without fearing any attacks from them, LO (Life Orb) boosted or not. <br/>


    Scenario 1 - Stealth Rocks are up and you switch your Poliwrath into Weavile's Ice Punch taking around 14% of damage (8% after Leftovers). The opponent knows you have a fighting move to deal with his Weavile so he switches out into a Poliwrath check. Well you use Circle Throw on the switch and force another pokemon making it take stealth rock damage. If you get lucky and force Weavile back in it takes Stealth Rock damage + the Life Orb damage it took when it hit Poliwrath. He will be forced to switch into something else which ultimately results in potentially half of the team taking Stealth Rock and Circle Throw damage. It is also a great switch into Gyarados (not carrying Bounce) and Tyranitar. I didn't even mention pokemon potentially not having the opportunity to do anything because of Clefable's T Wave support. This is why I feel this pokemon deserves an A- rank. You are fully aware of this SW18 but just wanted to explain for other people xD.<br/>


    Blaziken definitely is much better with the newly added Protect TM but like SW18 previously said, Talonflame is so prevalent in the current meta. There are also so many sand teams which carry Slowbro, Azumarill, and / or Starmie. At the end of each turn you'll be taking Life Orb + Sand damage + Potentially Flare Blitz Recoil. This gives Blaziken only a few turns to do something if it even can. Yes, Slowbro dies to a +2 boosted LO Knock Off but you would have to predict your opponent when he switches into Slowbro. If you're facing a smart player, they will know this and potentially pull a switch into Talonflame instead. Basically what I'm saying by this is in order for Blaziken to be successful, the team you're playing has to be in favor of Blaziken and you have to win 50/50 turns. And since there is no team preview it's pretty hard to know if you can spam High Jump Kick or not because nothing is telling you if they have a Ghost type. So at the end of the day, Blaziken is a great pokemon and has the potential to be a potent late game sweeper but it is worn down far too quick and the current metagame is flooded with Talonflame. <br/>


    If you have any other things to add or you feel like I missed something please feel free to let me and the other readers know.</t>

  5. 338896 [glow=red]U-turn, and maybe volt switch (didnt test it but is the same concept) are working wrong.[/glow]


    How works in PRO:

    U choose the move

    U choose what to switch in

    Turn starts


    How should work:

    U choose the move

    Turn starts

    When u hit, u choose what to switch in


    This error in the move, remove the concept of a role in pvp, the role "pivot".

    When u use u-turn and your opponent switch out, u should be able to see what pokemon they send in, then u hit the u-turn and select what to send, with the move making u choose what to send b4 the turn start the posibility dissapear. This role is one of the most important thing in pokemon pvps, u can see it in every competitive battle in official tournies


    it probably should be moved to report error section, but since i saw it here that was working i posted it here.

    https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=48194 :(

  6. It is currently bugged so at the moment Breloom will take damage from Iron Barbs even through Protect. However this is not supposed to happen so hopefully there will be a fix for it soon. Recoil moves will also give you recoil damage through Protect as well so I'd just refrain from using it right now.

  7. Hey steverobcath,


    This clause only applies to Double Team and Minimize specifically. You cannot have any of these in your moveset. Any other moves are fine as long as they are not Swagger or OHKO moves such as Fissure, Sheer Cold, etc. Items or indirect boosts do not break this clause.

  8. I may be mistaken but Leech Seed has never missed ever since I have played this game. I tested it with my alt account and I hit 100% of the time with no misses so I believe it is 100% accuracy when it should be 90%. I have used other 90% accurate moves such as High Jump Kick, Play Rough, Toxic, etc and I miss every once in a while but Leech Seed never fails.

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