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Posts posted by Tr3y

  1. gehj2bN.png


    I believe the 45 minute penalty for disconnecting in a PvP match is not necessary anymore. Players can no longer abuse the fact that you can disconnect and cause the opposing players to not get rewarded any coins because of the update that Shane has implemented. Many players including myself sometimes disconnect because our wifi is not perfect so it is frustrating when we have to wait until we can battle again because of this. I also believe removing this timer would be the closest thing to a forfeit button because players can just disconnect to save time when a match is clearly lost. Thanks for reading.



  2. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.9


    <r><QUOTE author="idkup"><s>

    </s><POST content="337132"><s></s>337132<e></e></POST> Also can you perhaps clean up ranks a bit to get rid of some clearly non-viable Pokemon like Eelektross and Floatzel, which really have no place in this meta?<e>

    Done. <E>:y:</E></r>

  3. Hello there,


    As you all know, the price for the Focus Sash and Weakness Policy have been reduced to 2 PvP Coins each. This is a great adjustment but it is a bit tedious purchasing them considering they are both on the 3rd and 4th page of the shop. You have to repeatedly talk to the PvP Coin Master over and over again and select the Focus Sash and Weakness Policy if you wish to purchase a lot of them. Perhaps there could be an addition to the PvP Coin Master where we can purchase these items in Bulk. Or we could toggle how many of them we wanted so the Coin Master could then calculate the price. It would definitely make buying them less time consuming and more convient. Thank you for reading.



  4. 333960 When two pokemons with weather setting abilities hit the field, the slower one should overwrite the faster one's weather. For example: Relaxed sand stream tyranitar 0 speed invested, and timid drought ninetales max speed invested are sent to battle, tyranitar's weather (sandstorm) should be the one to take action.


    So it would be like this:

    Ninetales's(faster poke) drought activates > Sun(weather) is set > Tyranitar's(slower poke) sandstream activates > Sandstorm(weather) kicks in.


    There seems to be a bug that makes faster pokemon to set the weather, which is not the case in pokemon mechanics.

    Hey Padawan96,


    After participating in many Smogon Gen 5 weather battles it is safe to say that you are right. If both pokemon sent out have Sand Stream and Drizzle then the slower pokemon's weather should take place.


    Here is a quote from pokemondb, "If both Pokemon were sent out at the same time then the slowests Pokemon's weather will stay. This is because the faster one will use it's ability first as usual, meaning it's weather will come out first. So the second one's weather would be deployed second and so forth."


    Shane has recently been fixing a lot of PvP bugs so the best thing we can do is wait and keep an eye out for the fix in the Update Logs. Nice report.

  5. With no access to Choice items, no Heatran to check clefable and no Clear Smog Amoonguss, it's definitely a pain to deal with it. But I guess we will have to just accept the fact that this pokemon will remain along with Talonflame because we have no Tiers or Council. There are ways to beat this mon such as Mew, Gliscor, Magnezone, Bisharp, Scizor, Tentacruel, etc. so we will just have to adapt our teams.


    Not to mention that if Talonflame were banned, Clefable would need a ban as well because Talonflame is one of Clefable's best checks and it is on nearly everyone's team. So the best course of action would probably be to just leave them both alone or ban them both together.

  6. 335482 When we ear yourself saying how [Censored] trash is volcarona compared to tflamme and you should'v took it , when volca is a good pokémon itself , you are not tending for a ban , Sounds quite hypocrite tbh . And hearing
    335481 You just have to be smart about playing around it
    sounds quite disrespectful if you are adressing that to me .
    335481 It's not over-centralizing in the metagame to the point where you have to build near an entire team to counter it
    Being forced to run at least one dedicated counter to not be clear 6-0ed is the definition of over-centralizing the metagme . (same for exca tho , and the day x-scissor's tm is ig , it's going to be funny )

    I'm sorry you feel this way.



    I wasn't trying to disrespect anybody by that statement. We all know you are a knowledgeable player with a smogon background just like me and many others.

  7. There are counters to this bird. Impish Rock Slide Gliscor, Stealth Rock, Focus Sash users, Slowbro, Ancient Power Tangrowth (as long as you don't let it set up), Milotic, Rhyperior, Rock Slide Hippowdon. You just have to be smart about playing around it. It's amazing but it's not necessarily broken. It's not over-centralizing in the metagame to the point where you have to build near an entire team to counter it. Just get Stealth Rock up, play your counters correctly and you'll be fine. :y:

  8. Hola bodnar! Welcome to PRO. :Smile:


    I'm glad to see that you are enjoying your time so far in-game. If you are on the Red server, feel free to add me as a friend and ask me plenty of questions :Angel: You seem like a friendly individual so I highly recommend you to join a guild in our Guild section of the forums to make many more friends. I hope you continue to enjoy your time on PRO and good luck!



  9. Hello Danieltuan, welcome to PRO. :Angel:


    Playing for nearly a week and acquiring 8 badges is impressive, well done :Shocked: I'm glad to see that a player willing to help other players succeed in the game has joined. If you ever want to make helpful game guides I encourage you to post on the Game Guide section of the forums. There are many strong and friendly guilds on this game so if you are looking for one to join you can check out the Guilds section of the forums. I am part of a PvP guild called, The Gathering so I highly recommend you to check us out. :Cool: I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in the game and I wish you luck!



  10. Hi MackTheSnakee, welcome to the game. :Cool:


    I too am a battler in PRO so if you have any questions about the rules or different trends in the metagame you can shoot me a message or refer to the PvP section of the forums. If you have money and ever want to add pokemon to your collection, you can also visit the Trading section of the forums. I hope your trading and time in-game goes well, good luck!



  11. Welcome to PRO ExpertRabbids! ^^


    As Letrix and others have already stated, don't forgot to check out the many helpful Game Guides in case you ever get stuck in-game or on the forums. When you get further in the game I encourage you to indulge yourself in PRO's PvP metagame. Many threads about it can be found on the PvP section of the forums. If you have any further questions don't be afraid to pm me :Cool: I hope you enjoy your stay here.



  12. Hey shackbest, welcome to PRO! :Cool:


    After battling on this game for almost a year I can safely say that you'll have a lot of fun during your time here. There are many pokemon to hunt and many strategies to try. If you want to read more about PvP and familiarize yourself with the current rules visit the PvP section of the forums. If you ever want assistance on team building or learning the different trends of the metagame feel free to pm me as I will be glad to help. Enjoy your time here!



  13. When pokemon switch out against an Analytic user, Analytic is supposed to activate. Unfortunately on PRO this is not the case. Analytic only activates when the opponent attacks before the Analytic user.


    Analytic description - Boosts move power when the Pokemon moves after the target.


    Switching is considered a move.

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