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Everything posted by Geomine

  1. Hello i did a comeback in pro and i check the forum to sell-buy some pokes and when i was in a long Thread i had a problem as you can see also in screenshots something is covering the half of every Thread i can click in images under this thing but i cant see anything my device is xiaomi redmi note 7 pro
  2. Hello i want to sell some pokes that i dont use anymore or i dont need them i think the prices are cheap so if you want you can bid dont comment about the pokes or prices I only accept cash Under 100k min bid 30k Over 100k min bid 50k All auction starts after someone trigger s.o and the auction eill last for 36h Discord geomine#1285 Good luck to everyone C.o ilegendaryak 150k no insta C.o 50k by dom2k insta 80k C.o 80 by inustur no ista yet
  3. Geomine


    Εάν θέλεις να μπεις στην guild θα θέλαμε να μάθουμε περισσότερα πράγματα για σένα στείλε μας μήνυμα στο discord η άφησε την αίτηση σου εδώ
  4. Have you got any screenshot of the trade? Or at least a screenshot of the gyarados. That is the proof you may need to report this on https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/129049-url good luck.
  5. Hello all of them except the two adamant flash fire are worth 0-10k each now about the adamant flash fire with 30att i whould say 20-25k and the 22 att 20-30k
  6. Hello this is a list of all the shinys im looking for if you have one of these pm me: Via forum Via discord Geomine#1285 Or via in game Geomine Shiny charmander or evos Shiny vulpix or evos Shiny growlithe or evos Shiny abra or evos Shiny ponyta Shiny shellder or cloyster Shiny hitmonchan Shiny koffing or evo Shiny/pink rhyhorn or evos Pink/shiny starmie or evos Shiny goldeen h.a or evo Shiny elekid or evos Shiny omanyte or evos Shiny munchlax or evos Shiny dratini or evos Shiny cyndaquil or evos Shiny ledyba or ledian Shiny chinchou or lanturn Shiny togepi or evos Shiny eevee Shiny gligar or evo Shiny sneasel or evo Shiny skarmony Shiny/Pink phanpy or donphan Shiny smeargle Shiny hitmontop Shiny tyrogue Shiny smoochum or jynx Shiny magby or evos Shiny lotad or evos buy as many as possible Shiny seedot or evos Shiny/pink hydration wingull or evos Shiny shroomish or evo Shiny slakoth or evos Shiny makuhita or evos Shiny sableye Shiny mawile Shiny aron or evos Shiny meditite or hitmonchan Shiny electrike or manectric Pink minum Shiny carvaha or sharpedo Shiny numel or evo Shiny trapinch or evo Shiny swablu or evo Shiny seviper Shiny lunatone Shiny solrock Shiny zangoose Shiny baltoy or evo Shiny shuppet Shiny wynat Shiny duskull or evos Shiny male snorunt Shiny relicanth Shiny combee or evo Shiny drifblim Shiny aipom Shiny skorupi Shiny snover or evos Shiny croagunk or evos Shiny froakie or evos Shiny rotom Shiny snivy or evos Shiny pignite or evos Shiny drilbur or exca Shiny/pink cottonee or evo Shiny darumaka or evo Shiny yamask or evo Shiny foongus or evo Shiny shelmet or evo Shiny honedge or evos Shiny clauncher or evo Shiny amaura or evo Shiny tyrunt or evos Shiny hawlucha Shiny klefki Shiny phanturmp or evo Shiny gourgeist I also buy Xmas dratini or evos Halloween larvitar or evos Halloween delphox Xmas riolu or evos All easter pokes Clone bulba Halloween chespin
  7. Hello i have locked these two in my alt acc it was a trade mistake my friend thought i had did sinnoh story and trasnfer also these two when he was help me trasnfer some pokes in this acc anyways if you can trasnfer them back to my main acc Geomine it whould be nice :).
  8. Accidentally remove the wrong honendge Can you restore it? Id in the bottom right corner
  9. What was that? He just said 175k and he won? If he had bid you had to update it here...
  10. You can buy a transit pass if you are travel a lot also you can do pve/pvp to collect easy money for example if you finish ladder with the rewarda you can get 2m easy also with pve you can buy items from pve master and sell them later, Boss run is Rly good since if you have a good team you can win all bosses, Take ms is also worth cause you get double money and experience so if you have unlock cerulean you can farm there money remember ms+boss run is Broken also hunting pokes and sell them is good way to earn money you need both luck and time that i do mostly is hunting for a week a lot of decent-epics pokes then i go to safari ev zone (buy the pass so you can go each time for 2k instead of 10k per time) ev fast and then go in cerulean cave and lvl up if you have ms on you will spend 2k per time in ev zone safari and you will get back 3k so after you habe finish ev you already have some money saved and when you lvl up your pokes in ceru after ev you will get around 100k per 2 pokes if you lvl up them till 95-97lvl then use rc , i usually lvl up the pokes till they need more than 600-700k xp then i use rc and if you did all that you can sell your pokes in a good price so you dont need spend to much time sell them for example if your poke normaly worth 300k and you spend total 4k for ev you can sell it 200-250k so you can sell it faster, so yje strategy is simple you hunt pokes spend 4-6k for ev each one and you get back around 50k per poke in lvl up so before sell it you already have around 40k+ profit +250k from the poke is 290k easy i can ev+lvl up 5-6 pokes around 7-8h +lets say 6h to hunt them is 14h at total so i have spend 14h and i get back (250k pero poke lets say+40k each that i get from lvl up)1,6-1,7m its so easy also dont buy rc just talk to pokestops and if you lucky you will get rc so you dont need spend money on rc so more profit for you.
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