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Everything posted by Zonamarelarap

  1. good ideia +1
  2. +1 nice ideia
  3. Good luck looking beatmaker/producers in a pokemon game :p Sincerely i suggest you to use ncs songs :y: In my opinion you guys should be getting a better intro for the videos and a better editing videos :y:
  4. many players stop play the game waiting for sinnoh so i think is a bad ideia the server union....
  5. my emojis ^_^ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  6. haunter to evolve to gengar you need trade with somebody :) try trade with some frriend your ou trade with some staff member :)
  7. Re: The legendary trio (legendary dogs) Event Moves Quest <r><QUOTE author="danger0uss" post_id="397701" time="1497456846" user_id="1433306"><s> </e></QUOTE> Goldenrod Police Station is here in that house:<br/> <IMG src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/301841900040880129/324584563722682368/image.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  8. 1. walk in the place were you catch your legendary dog (In my case i choosed raikou :p) If you didn't trigger put your dog in first spot in your team to make the quest start and 1st step works. 2. go to bell tower roof and talk wit scientist 3. go down to ecruteak city and talk wit old man in hat 4. go to miltank farm and fight thief (dorge have one granbull lvl 120) 5. cherrygrove city , left and sail to island and fight him (tief jorge have furfrou lvl 100) 6. route 45 south , fight the guy in pond (tief gorge have stouland lvl 100) 7. violet city surf in waters and fight him (tief gregorious have arcanine lvl 100) 8. goldenrod police station and fight georgiana (tief georgina have migthyena lvl 100) 9. go to pewter city jail speak with warden mapple and with jail where tief george are...after this fight george (tief geaoge have manetric lvl 100 and houndoom lvl 100) 10. go back to scientist in bell tower roof... 11. go to ruins of alph near elm , talk wit scientist alan and he will teach u moves Here all screenshoots in one image: EDIT: That npc is too the legendary beast tutor :) example celebi can learn nasty plot :)
  9. +1 good ideia
  10. Re: Simple suggestions that would make the game better <t>the point is safari pass is bad ideia because black medalion + safari pass go rare pokes with h.a exemple foongus, fletclinder, torchic bulbassaur, eevee, etc... go worse more the economy of game.... <br/> i only agree with seller of sash and weakness policy.... and master ball seller to hunt beldum well agree too with trail of kyogre mount but this is work to artists :p<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> Right now thanks fot the person who report my comment here because i dont making nothing wrong and i dont have posting nothing innapropriate in that comment lol but I say half word normally a good understander perceive immediately :*</t>
  11. for me lorelei, prof. elm, prof oak, Officer Jenny, brunno, kiochi, the pumpkin king, tootless, brock, old lady janice, prof birch, shamac these boss's need a decent rewards :/ because they have bad rewards i dont fight with him's :/
  12. Re: Simple suggestions that would make the game better <r>in pokemon gold, silver & cristal with glich of clones we can clone all pokemon's and if we equiped pokemon wit some item we ge cloned pokemon and item e-e<br/> <URL url=" <br/> in pokemon red & blue with glitch of missingNO we can get infinte itens e-e<br/> <URL url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfnu-VECnMk">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfnu-VECnMk</URL><br/> <br/> in pokemon yellow safari zone we can get ilimited time with ilimited safari balls e-e<br/> <URL url="
  13. very good idea but only if this teleport to certain boss work too bugsy and boss from sevii island 2 u_u
  14. Re: Johto dogs 1month max big problem <t>i lose motivation to play pro because no dog to me :c and why the reason 4 victory? why not 3? fist time 25%, seconde tme 50% 3 time 100% is much fair... i hate figthing boss's and now i need figth again with him again :/ and with my lucky i only go catching my dog at 4 battle :/</t>
  15. +1 and dont forget the new boss from sevii island 2 :/ rip phione to me :/
  16. i agree with number 4 bugsy need ms -.-' and now boss from sevii island 2 need ms -.-' to boss fron sevii island 2 no ms = no phione -.-' = pay to win to get a pseud-legendary -.-'
  17. i think we dont need the info of trade log u_u we need is trade in different locations aka from far u_u
  18. +1 is very annoying equipe pokemon to trade itens :/
  19. +1 i agree
  20. [glow=red]well see the video.....[/glow] [bBvideo=560,315]https://youtu.be/at1j55kMCe8[/bBvideo]
  21. Version of linux still are in version spearow but windows version already are in version feraligator and i want know when linux version go be updated! Thanks
  22. You gyus need google+ page and vk page :) https://vk.com/ to me is much better than facebook ;)
  23. Rattata and ledyba event LOL More one bad event :/ Minncino ms (no make sense because he is possibly some time ago in headbutt at love island and other no make sense remove from that...) Where is Bunnelby? RIP Bunnelby this is a rabbit....that yes maked sense have ms :/ but yeah no quest...bad spawn... but at least they did something... Unfortunately the only good event of PRO was in 2015 at halloween... RIP
  24. If shadow tag go be banned from PVP Ranked, the staffmons need be banned too ;)
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