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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. Hey I want to sell this fish, Start price 1k Min bid 50k No instant 24h after first bid Accept pokedollar only Good luck and thanks every bidder!
  2. Shop is closed for a while as I am going to transfer
  3. Nvm wrong Server my bad
  4. 300k
  5. Alo, only instant prices and I accept pokedollar, cc (380k) and reroll IV (680k) 300k 2m 2m 1m 300k 400k 150k not fire or ice 750k fish Nr 1 350k not ice or fire 550k fish Nr 2
  6. .-1
  7. -1 I can unterstand people asking for that but I remember when excavations weren't shiny locked anymore and first day I saw a shiny rotom and darumaka so I disagree. Shinies should remain rare
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