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Everything posted by Trantoan62

  1. noted
  2. Auction will end at 13h30 GMT+7 2/8/2021 link countdown: https://countingdownto.com/?c=3749333 c.o 2.5m by Piproom Min bid: 100k no insta Accepted payment methods are as follows : - Pokedollar - bms: 160k - cc : 370K
  3. trading completed. Auction will be closed.
  4. Auction end. The winner is Johannes22 at price 2.5m
  5. c.o is 1m3 by Ahir
  6. noted
  7. Auction will end at 21:00 GMT+7, 21/7/2021 C.o: 2.5m by Johannes22 Start bid: 500k Min bid: 100k insta: 3m Accepted payment methods are as follows : - Pokedollar - bms: 160k - cc : 380K - reroll IVs, abilities capsule : 720K Countdown: https://countingdownto.com/?c=3726514
  8. buy form bellsprout and shiny pidgeot
  9. How old are you and where are you from? I'm from Vietnam, 22 years old Why would you like to join Trinity? Because I want to learn more about pvp, improve my pvp skill to get more rating Were you part of another guild in the past and if so which one? I joined guild Pichu in 2018, but it's dissolved What is the highest rating you've ever got? 223rt, but in 2018. In 2019 and 2020, i don't have time to pvp and only get 100+rt each season What do you enjoy most doing in PRO? Because it's a pvp-able and multi-region game with a lot of side quests What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity? 100 or 150 rating. Can improve if i have somebody shared their experiences with Add a picture of your trainer card in the application. What is your Discord ID? Nhatminh832#9802
  10. buy this jangmo-o pm me as soon as possible: Discord: Nhatminh832#9802 Ingame: Trantoan62
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