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  1. Oh I see. Yeah I misunderstood it and now it also makes more sense what Contrary replied. My bad. Thanks for the example. That helped alot. It's unfortunate I won't be able to reach 30 but happens I guess. I'll know how it works for next time then
  2. bump
  3. bump
  4. Hi Contrary, Thanks for the reply but I'm still confused about it to be honest I understand what you are saying but you can see that I still battled him 24 days in a row right? It's true I did battle him multiple times before the 24h cooldown was over but I still showed 24 days (so far) of me battling him multiple times (to be sure that it counts to the streak). So maybe you missed it or the notes didn't really clarify it but yeah. I still didn't get it. Sorry
  5. Hey there, I'm not really sure where to ask for help or where to post this in general so I'm sorry if it's in the wrong section. So I did a text file for 24 days (so far) where I noted whenever I won in Isrocs race game in case something happens lately and I need the info. I'm glad that I did because the way he counted my streak doesn't rly make sense to me. I should be at my 24th day-win right now but Isroc is telling me I'm at 18 day-wins so far. I wouldn't rly ask for help about this if it wasn't for the event ending soon and the 6 day difference is exactly the time I need to reach the 30 day streak. So as "evidence" (I know it's not really evidence but I thought it may help), I'll show a screenshot of the notes I took So on the left are the dates, in the middle is every time of the day where I did Isroc according to gmt +2 and on the right side is the streak counted by Isroc (currently 18 while I think it should be 24). Thanks for any type of help or clarification.
  6. +1 definitely sad the suggestion got ignored so far
  7. For a pve player like me, completing my pokedex is one of (if not the) most important goals to achieve. When I say completing the dex, I'm talking about maximizing the caught, seen and evolution data, that currently is or ever has been viable to obtain. With the option of trade chat, alot of grinding and a bit of luck (world quests, outbreaks), it is possible to maximize the caught and evolution data. The problem lies in the fact, that currently there are seen datas, that are not obtainable anymore. I can think of hoopa and zygarde right now. (Yveltal lost his spot in ash westbrooks team but suspicious bot still has it). So my suggestion is to add them to the game somehow. An example would either be to add them to a boss team, do a new boss or even just do mini bosses for hoopa and zygarde, so players can actually complete their pokedex.
  8. I can confirm that it's 110+ ivs for the ralts in the gallade/gardevoir quest. Also my gallade did not have max happiness and I was still able to fight him. It's lvl 100 and my ot tho.
  9. Alright, thanks:)
  10. I don't recognize any change about disable, what changed about it? I know it works as intended now, but what does that mean? I don't see any difference to before. Is it in combination with other moves?
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