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Posts posted by Eaty

  1. 4 minutes ago, CitizenPete said:

    That would be the solution for pvp fights, and technically that would be the only reason i would want this to happen.


    Level back the rock smasher for love island is nothing, also for dig and headbutt!

    If your suggestion was only to avoid gaining/losing happiness in PvP battles then please rename your suggestion title so I can mark it as implemented.

    Starting next server version update you won't gain/lose happiness in all PvP battles (ranked, unranked, friendly) anymore.

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, Sbyz said:

    IMO, PRO has something like 800-900 players on each server daily + Merge Silver with Gold is almost impossible as people have a character on both server and some exclusive rewards (only available once per account per server)

    Correct, on high times we have 800-1000 users on each server. Merging the accounts wouldn't be much of a problem but I don't see many advantages.


    The only advantage I see is the PvP queue but I rather have a cross-server ranked PvP queue and battles than merging both servers. The two server system works quite well.

  3. Hm, theoretically, I wouldn't mind a pseuedo salon with a cooldown to raise Pokemon's happiness for a small fee.

    Right now, they are only used for Dig, Dive and Headbutt as far as I am aware.

    I might also deactivate losing/winning happiness from PvP battles so moves such as Return work as intended and are usable without any problems.

  4. Guild Island Update April 1st 2021

    Few changes were made after reading users feedbacks and suggestions.

    Most changes were done to simplify the whole process as many did not fully understand how it'd work.



    • All current spawn-sets have been updated. 
      • They currently contain of Rain, Sun, Sand, Hail, Offense, Balanced, Stall, Support and Trick Room.
      • More spawn-sets will follow in the future. Suggestions in our subforum!
    • There is a 12,5% chance spawn-sets will change every 12 hours.
      • There's an NPC in guild island to vote for your favorite sets. Voting for a spawn-set increases the chance.
        • 50+ votes slightly increase the chance for the spawn-set to change.
        • 50+ votes highly increase the chance to change to your voted spawn-set.
    • Users can subscribe spawn-sets and get an in-game notification as soon as the spawn sets get selected.
    • A new hunt-map without spawn changing sets has been added to Guild Island.
      • The spawns stay the same except for the tier 8-9 spawn.
        • The tier 8-9 spawn changes every week randomly.
        • Once changed, the new spawn will be announced via global system message.
      • Possible spawns: Cutiefly, Rockruff, Sandygast, Komala, Mimikyu, Dhelmise, Jangmo-o, 
      • Rattata-Alolan, Raichu-Alolan, Diglett-Alolan, Meowth-Alolan, Geodude-Alolan and Froakie-BB.
        • Every Pokemon that gained the status was huntable before but is not anymore will be added to the list.
        • Once a Pokemon is permanently hunt-able on another map it will be removed from the list.

    There won't be a fee to enter Guild Island.

    • Like 9
  5. 10 minutes ago, 666G0D999 said:

    I totally understand that adding a better filter will take some work and I don't really think that should priority, but what about deleting multiple pokemon at once? Wouldn't that be easier to do?? I think that is actually the most requested feature for the PC Storage. Anything else can wait.

    The problem is that if we add only one thing it might require two reworks instead of one which is not worth the time investment. We'd rather do it once and completely.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, 666G0D999 said:

    That's not necessarily true. Maybe they just keep neglecting it. I remember 1-2 Years ago they updated PC Storage, it was even worse before. I don't know about the sorting, but adding a basic check box to delete multiple pokemon is definitely not a hard thing to add.

    Please don't see this as complaining, because I'm not.

    Changing the PC storage is one of the most requested feature in Discord, in-game and Forum. Adding a single filter is not much of a problem but that won't help much. To add many features users requested require a whole rework of the PC storage, server- and client-sided.

    It's definitely do-able but not as easy as it might sound at first. Adding boxes and make it possible to put your Pokemon wherever you want without auto-sorting is tedious to do but possible. Changing the GUI for that is surely a bit work but that's mainly cause I am not used to this work.

    The main problem for the PC storage rework is a new filter system. Adding a single filter is easily do-able but users want all different kind of filters. We could add them one by one and overload the GUI with filters but even then there would be more requests. That's why we decided to make a filter similar to Discords where you can filter for pretty much everything and that's hard to do server- and client-sided.


    We will definitely get back to the PC storage rework but we have many projects at the same time, so please bear with us.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, touhoukhoa said:

    Please don't. I am not fully against having UU, but rotating OU mon out would just left some huge threat that wasn't overused because it was threaten by said tier. This, however, is solved by having a council that would dismiss pokemon that would make UU metagame unhealthy by creating a banlist, known as UUBL. 
    The funny thing is, I've witness how powerless PRO council has been with my own eyes. It couldn't function properly at the moment, considering a decision was still left hanging for 6 months. 

    Then having both queues at the same time? I think it's a bad idea since it's scatter current playerbase, and working on ladder tourney/ rewards would be another pain in the neck.


    Hey, this topic is about random ladder rewards and I am looking for reasonable suggestions as I am absolutely not sure how to handle them.


    If you have complains/concerns about the whole concepts, please create a separate topic to discuss it.

  8. Hello guys, we are currently working on random battles and expect them to be released in near future (might still take 1-2 months or longer, depends on how it goes).


    With the random battles we will introduce a second ladder for it while the normal Ranked PvP ladder will (probably) change between OU and UU ladders.


    With this laddering on more than one server will be prohibited. 


    But we are also uncertain about random ladder rewards. We want them to be low compared to OU/UU as you don't need to invest time in hunting, buying, training and movesets.

    That's why we would like to hear your opinions about it. Tell us what you think would be appropriated and please give us reasons for it!

    • Like 10
  9. Hey, the money-losing penalty is part of the game. You beat NPCs you get money, you lose to NPCs you lose money.


    13 hours ago, FZERO7 said:

    - Losing money can be avoided by logging out before battle ends


    This will not be possible anymore after reconnect is implemented. Once you logout in a battle you'll log into the battle again. It's just a matter of time until this mechanic is outdated.


    I am not saying it's a perfect mechanic and I am always open to suggestions but completely removing it won't happen for the time being.

    We also capped the money you can lose to $50,000 for veterans that own millions. Users with small budgets lose 5% of their total money which can be obtained again fairly fast. 

    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, Ta7esh said:

    Regarding you comment about reconnecting system, it is surely not the solution for crashes but rather a plus and we know how hard it is to be implemented but this could also help with this mili sec disconnect to make us avoid losing whatever we were doing in game. It's definitely not an easy feature but a worthy investment.


    In this case, reconnect as a feature would do literally nothing. It's not only not a solution but also would do literally nothing. It would be the exact same situation.

    Reconnect only helps when the game server code is stable. Let's say you have an unstable connection to our servers or our physical proxy servers have problems then reconnect would help a lot but not when the game server code crashes.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, FrostyjoeReborn said:

    Ta7esh is right the solution to the problem is not to work harder but smarter implementing a reconnect system is at the very least a good band aid to the problem

    Reconnect won't help for server crashes. it only helps when the server disconnects you or you disconnect from the server while it's still running.

  12. 3 hours ago, PreHax said:

    Devs should fix these bad servers, I pay good money for my cosmetics, the least they can do is keep the game up. Sad.

    I am trying my best. Debugging locally with tons of accounts to reproduce and fix bugs.



    I made big steps the last few days and hope to upload a stable version soon.


    Also, we did not change servers at all. We reworked a lot in the code recently, really a lot and somewhat ended up with a memory corruption which is/was not easy to find. We checked every crash, every server stuck, every log. We did not decide to simply ignore the crashes but we also didn't want to revert the changes as it would have ended in us throwing away changes we worked on for months, several hours daily.

    I am really sorry about the negative experience but I am sure it'll be a huge improvement once the bug is fixed and gives us the opportunity to do a lot we weren't able to do in the past. These reworks were also the reason we were able to add mega evolutions, Transform, Illusion and many other things that seemed impossible in the past.

    • Like 3
  13. 56 minutes ago, ltachiEspada said:

    I honetsly don't want new cosmetic stuff, new Regions or whatever - just get the base game running smoothly without bugs and somewhat stable servers. Finish the move animations, the pc storage ect, you know ? Basically finish the base game and get it to a presentable state! That should be your top priotity and I'm pretty sure every player would take a "polished" game over some extra gimmicks nobody REALLY needs. I don't mean to hate, but the last couple months really give the impression that the Team behind PRO has no agenda or priority list whatsoever, even tho said priorities should be clear as day 😞


    We do have a Developer priority list pinned in Suggestion forum. The problem with your post is that you assume that every staff works on the same project and we do not. We have different staffs that handle different tasks. Adding these customized balls doesn't affect anything you wrote above as pretty much everything you asked for is handled by Developers and these customized balls are not handled by us. The whole system to add them is already implemented on our side. So I only need a few minutes to add new balls while the rest is done by artists.

    So asking for box rework or fixes has nothing to do with it unless you suggest every other staff should stop working and do nothing while devs work which would be a not really good suggestion.

    • Like 1
  14. 17 minutes ago, teerav said:

    I am curious to know if the ball's cosmetics are linked to a constant image, so if you were to ever change the image it would update even for pokemon caught. If so, you could reward first place in guild ladder to have their logo on a "Guild Champion Ball" that's image is updated every month. 

    This would require a client update every month.


    Alternatively, we could theoretically make it possible for guilds to buy Guild Pokeballs.
    We could make it possible for NoMercy to buy 5,000,000 Pokedollars to get a Pokeball with their logo added to a shop. They'd be buyable for all users then.

    • Like 2
  15. Just now, MasterBroccoli said:

    I don't see any use in these suggested Pokeballs if I cannot sort my boxes by Pokeball type. As a few others mentioned already, I (and many others I'm sure) would appreciate a better organization of the PC much more than differently colored Pokeballs.

    A box rework is way, way, waaaay more work than adding new Pokeballs. Right now, I have higher priorities. Adding new Pokeballs only takes minutes for me (more work for Artists!). That's why adding them is possible while a box rework is high prioritized but not as high as fixing/adding few other things first.

    • Like 1
  16. Hello, I've been thinking this for a while now. What do you guys think about customized Pokeballs such as Rocket, Magma, Aqua and so on Pokeballs?

    I thought about adding Boxes similar to the current Mystery Boxes where you could get 10-15 custom Pokeballs (of the same Pokeball).

    They wouldn't have a higher catch rate or something like this. If you have better ideas how to add them I all ear, nothing is set in stone yet!

    I am absolute not sure if that's something players actually want so please us your opinion. 


    They could look like this or similar to it: 


    • Like 28
    • Haha 1
  17. 17 hours ago, Pispi13 said:

    Ye i know , and we appreciate the work that is done , im not putting the blame on anyone and im not saying u guys didnt test before releasing . Im just suggesting making players w8 a bit longer to get better stability etc . 

    If taking more time to test doesnt bring good enough results to be worth the w8ing time  then i guess my suggestion isnt valid 

    Many bugs such as the crash bug only show under load (few hundred players) and that's not possible on test server.

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