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Posts posted by Eaty

  1. Changelog 01.10.2021: 

    • Bumped Unity to newest version.
    • Added Discord "User is playing" integration. 
      • Following play relevant information will be displayed:
      • Battle type (NPC battle, trainer battle, Normal Ranked PvP, Random Ranked PvP, Unranked PvP),
      • Battle opponent (Pokemon name, NPC name, PvP opponent name),
      • Current map,
      • Playtime.
    • You can toggle most in Discord displayed information via in-game options.
    • If Allow Party Inspection is deactivated, your follower will be hidden now.
      • This allows PvP player to hide their Pokemon lead.
    • Added Reward tab in PvP window.
    • Added Bird-Type for MissingNo.
    • Increased chat history size.
    • Fixed a crucial Python bug.
    • Added something needed for the Halloween event. PvP Council will have to meet soon!
    • Added many new hairstyles and cosmetic for Christmas.
    • Few code optimizations, clean-ups, small reworks and bug fixes.
    • Added copy to clipboard in the Pokemon card to copy the Pokemon relevant information in the Showdown Calculator format to import them easier.
    • Like 22
    • Checked/Done 3
  2. Hello, adding more battle formats isn't really a problem but outside of friendly battles we do not plan to add any new formats at the moment.

    Is this what you are suggesting or are you talking about new ladder formats?

  3. As you already said, they are on our to-do list already. We won't put it higher on our priority list than it already is but we'll work on it once we are done with other stuff like Reconnect and Account Merging.


    On 9/28/2021 at 9:17 AM, Vanica said:

    Color Changer NPC for Yoshi, Car, Motorbike, and Jetskis. Similar to the Bike Color changer NPC at cerulean.

    Instead of buying same item just with different color.


    I am not against this for a small fee. Maybe @AlCedo wants to take this task?

  5. 10 hours ago, Lequangminh2212 said:

    -1,make it more useful updates like gen 8 instead of this pokeballs
    I know many members want to tell this but they scared permantly ban

    Hello, you are talking about stuff that has nothing to do with each other. The Pokeballs are done by Artists while the "useful" gen8 pokes are done by Devs, Spawn Editor and Content Scripters.

  6. Hey, right now it's really, really hard to implement showing the Pokemon icons instead of the Pokeball. That's mainly cause of the server-client communication. It was always planned to add it at some point but most likely won't happen any time soon.

  7. 3 hours ago, Xytreh said:

    I'll take it as "battle teleport" was a bug but "healing escape rope" is not then.

    Correct. The battle teleport was not intended in first place and to fragile to work on it later on. That's why it stayed that way while the healing Escape Rope was coded this way and fully intended.

  8. Heyho, I am fine with adding more quality of life features but what you asked doesn't seem to be useful in any way. 

    Why should we add a copy of an item when we already have the item? What's the quality of life improvement or revolution it does?


    3 hours ago, Lequangminh2212 said:

    +1 as it's "revolution",they don't have anything like "revolution",I can't wait until they update unova/gen 8,Don't update some useless things like fix bug.Add luxury ball,net ball....More legendary

    The requirement to add cool new stuff risk free is by fixing/reworking the old fragile code. It's far from useless. 

    I am also fairly sure pretty much all Pokeballs are coded and available.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Starlight said:

    Looks like it has been clarified, it's not about implementing bottle caps

    According to what I read the Hidden Power is set and does not adjust after changing IVs and that's the only way to get Hidden Powers not fitting the IVs.

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