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Posts posted by Eaty

  1. Hello, as of now, we won't give the option to obtain more than one mega stone but I might add that you can give the same mega stone to multiple pokes.

    So you will be able to give the megastone to a Pokemon but it won't disappear from your inventory.

    I am not sure about this yet but I put it on my to-do list with a note to maybe implement it.


    See this suggestion as denied.

    • Like 1
  2. Hello, I agree that Honey is pretty underwhelmed as it works right now and might need a rework.

    But I absolutely disagree that it should be used as consumeable to increase the encounter rate of map spawns.

  3. As already posted here, we do not have enough players for more than the two ladder queues we already have.

    And even if we had more players the next queue would be UU instead of Uber. 


    See this suggestion as denied. Feel free to suggest it again in case we get more players in the future.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 hours ago, teerav said:

    This idea of PvP tokens seems complex and unnecessary. Its almost as if you're bored and just wanna create a new currency. And all the restrictions make it confusing.

    I do agree that it might look a bit complex but I think that's mainly cause of the name. I might adjust it.

    The main difference between PvP Coins and PvP Tokens is that PvP Tokens cannot be used to make money while you can buy stuff with PvP Coins and sell it to other players.


    9 hours ago, Hiza said:

    @Walrosskastanie Is it also possible to add an extra item that swaps 2 ivs with each other? This is to increase the different combination between iv reroll, iv lock, - iv and iv swaper to get desired legendary. You can make it also token purchasable, maybe same price as '-iv' or even more 1000 tokens? This would complete the full pack of legendary reroll items and would also make a good way to spend token. 

    Thank you! 

    Definitely not.




    1 hour ago, Demonslayer18 said:

    It would be better to let buy tradable rerolls with pvp tokens as it proves a nerf for ladder players unless done so

    Rest all is good

    It's a nerf for PvP Coins but a huge buff overall.


    1 hour ago, Dogzer said:

    I love that idea, but could we get an explanation on "1 pvp coin perwin, capped by 200" ? I understand that pvp token being capped is kinda fine atm, but cap the current pvp coin, I don't get it.

    In near future you can only get up to 200 PvP Coins from wins each season.


    54 minutes ago, trantoan62 said:

    I have an opinion, why don't you turn PvP coins and PvP tokens become one? Because they were used in a same way:  spent to get something. So i recommend you should give us every quest above, but reward is only PvP coins (for example: 6 PvP coins instead of 3 PvP coins and 3 PvP tokens), people don't like that they have 50 A-coins and 50 B-coins but they wanna buy something with the cost is 100 coins. It's very annoying. Ty for reading

    PvP Coins can be used to make money by buying and selling items while PvP Tokens can only be used to modify your legendaries and not be used in any other way. 


    40 minutes ago, PillowPorkers69 said:

    Imo I don't see the benefit of separate coins and tokens. Personally, as a player who hasn't ever laddered, I've been working for months to get an epic prestige mount so I would like to keep getting coins/tokens all in one spot as 2,500 coins is a lot of coins, specifically when you aren't placing on the ladder (yet!)

    Answered above.


    33 minutes ago, chaos23 said:

    Everything is ok 


    better to have ranks like bronze silver gold 


    and fix the match making to certain rank like 


    bronze vs brone or silver 


    silver vs silber and gold


    gold vs platinum 

    Plat above can vs all the top ranks diamond and so on

    We sadly don't have 100m+ players to make this happen.

    • Like 1
  6. First of all, I'd like to say that there's no ETA for the updated PvP Quests and it's only to collect ideas for now!


    PvP Quests

    Heyho, we plan to add three kinds of Ranked PvP Quests in the future:

    - Daily PvP Quest

    - Weekly PvP Quests

    - Seasonal PvP Quest


    Daily PvP Quest:

    Daily PvP Quests will be some easy quests such as:

    - Play X matches.

    - Win X matches.

    - Play a game with X in your team.


    My personal goal with daily quests is to introduce new players to ranked PvP and give veterans a reason to play more often.


    Weekly PvP Quests:

    Weekly PvP Quests will be a bit harder such as:

    - Get a minimum of X rating.

    - Win X matches with Y as your opener.

    - Win X matches with at least Y OT Pokemon in your team.


    Weekly quests should be harder to do but therefore more rewarding.


    Seasonal PvP Quests:

    Every user will get random seasonal PvP Quest he needs to finish until the season ended such as:

    - Get top25 at season end.

    - Get X rating without using your most used Pokemon last season.


    I want seasonal PvP Quests to be hard for most players but it should be rewarded very well.


    All PvP Quests above are some examples I had after thinking about it for a few minutes. 

    I ask you guys to think about it for a while and tell me what PvP Quest you'd like to get!




    I plan to introduce PvP Tokens as ladder rewards, additionally to the already existing PvP Coins.



    15th on each month:
    - 150 PvP Coins and 150 PvP Tokens for 1st place.
    - 130 PvP Coins and 130 PvP Tokens for 2nd place.
    - 120 PvP Coins and 120 PvP Tokens for 3rd place.
    - 100 PvP Coins and 100 PvP Tokens for 4th to 10th place.
    - 50 PvP Coins and 50 PvP Tokens for 11th to 25th place.


    Season end:
    - 350 PvP Coins and 350 PvP Tokens for 1st place.
    - 330 PvP Coins and 330 PvP Tokens for 2nd place.
    - 320 PvP Coins and 320 PvP Tokens for 3rd place.
    - 300 PvP Coins and 300 PvP Tokens for 4th to 10th place.
    - 250 PvP Coins and 250 PvP Tokens for 11th to 25th place.


    - PvP Quests get changed so you can get 50 PvP Coins and 50 PvP Tokens in total instead of 70 PvP Coins.
    - One PvP Coin per win, capped by 200.
    - One PvP Token per win and for two losses, capped by 100.


    PvP Token usage:
    - 150 PvP Tokens for an IV reroll.
    - 600 PvP Tokens for an IV-locked reroll.
    - 800 PvP Tokens to reduce an IV by one.
    - 6000 PvP Tokens to turn a legendary shiny.


    - PvP Tokens can only be used for direct actions, not to obtain items such as Reroll Tickets.
    - Nothing bought for PvP Tokens is affected by other services such as double reroll.
    - You can exchange 100 PvP Coins for 100 PvP Tokens every season, globally resets on 1st. This is one-way and not refundable.



    I plan to reward PvP Quests mainly with PvP Tokens and here and there with PvP Coins (or items you obtain with PvP Coins, similar as the Master Ball or Focus Sashes you currently get). But definitely more Tokens than PvP Coins.


    I am not fully sure about this yet but I am open for suggestions!

    • Like 40
    • Checked/Done 1
  7. Hello, building an IOS client itself is no problem at all. That could be done quickly.

    But we aren't in the AppleStore. That means players have to jailbreak their devices to play PRO on iOS.

    We don't want to be responsible that players might break their phones while trying to jailbreak it and therefore decided to no release an iOS version.

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